Native American Literature
Early Colonial
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

The Navajos told a story that depicts these as the origins of man and woman

What are ears of corn?


A metaphor found in Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" 

What is ___________? (7 options)


This romantic poet had a hard life that led to some dark themes in his poetry. Many of his loved ones died of tuberculosis 

Who is Edgar Allan Poe?


He's the "father of transcendentalism" 

Who is Emerson? 


The three sides of Aristotle's rhetorical triangle

What are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos?


Orator known for passionate speech speaking out against "the white man" for abusing their power

Who is Chief Seattle? 


Ben Franklin used this metaphor in his autobiography to show how being perfect isn't always the right choice, necessarily 

What is a speckled ax? 


An abolitionist and an early feminist, this editor-turned-author wrote "Thanatopsis," a Romantic piece of writing

Who is William Cullen Bryant?


Ralph Waldo Emerson coined this term, meaning a universal essence that connects all human beings and the natural world.

What is the over-soul? 


Verse without rhyme, especially that which uses iambic pentameter.

What is blank verse? 


Often used in yearbooks, this literary technique is an exaggerated expression to show how something is of the highest degree (i.e. tallest; best; most friendly)

What is a superlative?


Name 3 of the techniques Patrick Henry used in his persuasive speech 

What is rhetorical question, restatement, repetition, or concession to the opposition? 


Poe thought this was the most important thing to keep in mind in order to make writing successful (3 words)

What is Unity of Effect? 

The Transcendentalists view of nature

What is "nature is sacred and should be valued; everyone should have an individual connection to it; nature is a source of great knowledge; nature itself is divine and connects us all; nature is inherently good and harmonious


There are two major metrical feet (patterns) we've looked at, but you only need to name one of them. 

What is and iamb or trochee? 


Joy Harjo is known for working with these three themes. 

What is environmentalism, colonialism, and collectivism, spiritism? 


Name 4 of the 6 logical fallacies we looked at and give an example for 1 of the fallacies 

What is Bandwagon, Strawman, Post Hoc, Appeal to Ignorance, Hasty Generalization, & False Dichotomy


These are the 3 facets of Romanticism 

1. Known for valuing imagination over reason and feelings over fact

2. Individualism reigns supreme

3. Nature a major focus & source of spirituality


These are the 4 facets of Transcendentalism 

1. Possessed a great  faith in human potential (glass half full)

2. Nonconformity & intuition

3. Individual relationship to nature

4. All forms of being are spiritually united


It's the meter shown here: 

Upon a nest a bird I saw that had a bracelet in its beak

And, though you won’t believe a word, I heard the bird begin to speak.

It said: “I am the bird of jewels – I steal some new ones ev’ry day.”

Since then my jewels are hid from sight – you’ll never find them on display.

What is iambic octameter? 

Name 7 literary techniques we've talked about in class 
What is personification, allusion, alliteration, rhetorical questions, hyperbole, rhyme scheme, diction, onomatopoeia, restatement, concession to opposition, anaphora, apostrophe, metaphors, similes, etc

Born in 1797, this historical figure delivered an extremely powerful and memorable speech without preparing it in 1851

Who is Sojourner Truth? 


Romantic view of nature

What is a source of inspiration, but a connection to a higher power. It has the power to renew and restore, individual should connect, nature is still dangerous 


In his essay "Nature," Emerson says "I become a __________ ___________"

What is a transparent eyeball?


It's the meter shown here: 

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

What is trochaic tetrameter?