Notable Characters
Historical Events
In the Longhouse
Hodge Podge

Writing intended to instruct.

What is didacticism?


Two preachers, credited with the first major American revival, the Great Awakening.

Who are Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield?


He records the founding of Jamestown in The General History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles.

Who is Captain John Smith?


This number of nations makes up the Iroquois Confederacy.

What are the Five Nations?


The belief that the solutions to the problems of man lies in his reason.

What is deism?


A story that uses supernatural forces or beings to explain an aspect of life or the natural world and that was once held to be true by a culture.

What is a myth?


The second governor of Plymouth Plantation and writer of the historical account of that place.

Who is William Bradford?


The war taking place during Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative.

What is King Phillip's War?


This archetypal object signifies peace in "How the World Began" and the Iroquois Constiution.

What is the Tree of Great Long Leaves?


According to John Winthrop, the type of liberty that man has in common with animals.

What is natural liberty?


References to people, places, events or works of literature.

What is an allusion?


Described by Cotton Mather as the American Nehemiah.

Who was John Winthrop?


The first consciously American voices began to speak through literature after this event.

What is the Revolutionary War?


The creation myth of the Iroquois starts with what character being pushed into a great hole.

Who is Sky Woman?


The native Americans were driven to war for what primary purpose.

What is the invasion of their land?


The interpretation of events, people, places and ceremonies of the Old Testament as prefiguring New Testatament realities.

What is typology?


Soldier, slave and pirate.

Who was Captain John Smith?


The signing of the document where the adult males voluntarily agreed to surrender their rights in order to establish a government for the colony.

What is the signing of the Mayflower Compact?


The audible means by which much cultural knowledge was transferred generation to generation before the prevalent use of written language.

What is oral tradition?


Two of the four nonreligious motives for coming to the New World.

What are adventure, wealth, personal independence and to challenge Spain's claims to the American continent?


Recurring narrative elements that appear in stories across cultures and speak of universal human experience.

What is archetypes?


The Great Chief, who sent Squanto to aid the Pilgrims.

Who is Massasoit?


The following quote makes an allusion to what biblical event:  "Neither could they, as it were, go up to the top of Pisgah to view from this wilderness a more goodly country to feed their hopes."

What is the Isrealites in the desert, overlooking the bounty of the Promised Land?


When a great emergency is presented before the Confederate Council and the nature of the matter affects the entire body of Five Nations, threatening their utter run, the the Lords of the Confederacy must submit the matter to who for a decision.

Who are the people?


In "A Description of New England," John Smith said religion should move Englishmen to show their faith in this way.

What is converting the the "poor savages"?