The Crisis
Common Sense
The Declaration of Independence
What is Thomas Paine’s theme in “The Crisis”? (A) Thomas Paine is writing a patriotic poem (B) Paine's theme is simple - send our soldiers home from the war in Iraq. (C) He is writing a piece of literature that is meant to convince slave traders to stop buying and selling African slaves in the colonies. (D) He is attempting to convince his readers that they should remain positive as they enter into war with Britain
What is (D) He is attempting to convince his readers that they should remain positive as they enter into war with Britain
According to "The Crisis", what should the colonies be doing? (A) Moving to England (B) Separating from England's tyrannical government (C) Ignoring King George III of England (D) Staying positive through the war with England
What is (B) Separating from England's tyrannical government
What God given rights does the Declaration of Independence claim everybody has? (A) Money, Liberty and Happiness (B) Life, liberty and Money (C) Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (D) Money, Happiness and Freedom
What is (C) Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
What is a declaration? (A) An idea (B) A statement (C) A contract (D) A government document
What is (B) A statement
What does Paine think of government? (A) It should make sure everyone has enough to survive (B) It is a reflection of the glories of man (C) It is a necessary evil (D) It should not exist
What is (B) It is a reflection of the glories of man
Paine’s “The Crisis” was written using which form of writing? (A) descriptive, giving many details about one idea (B) informative, giving information about a topic in general (C) expository, offering a step by step guide to do something (D) persuasive, using logic and emotion to convince his audience of something
What is (D) persuasive, using logic and emotion to convince his audience of something
At the time Common Sense was written, which of the following best describe it's purpose? I. Condemned monarchy as an evil institution and advocated independence II. Offered hope at war time III. Suggested that the colonies separate from England immediately (A) I (B) I and II (C) I, II, and III (D) I and III
What is (D) I and III
Who was the intended audience of the Declaration of Independence? (A) those wanting independence from England and other nations (B) those wanting independence only (C) other nations only (D) other nations and the British
What is (A) those wanting independence from England and other nations
Colonists referred to King George III of England as a "tyrant". What is a tyrant? (A) a member of society (B) a rule maker (C) a dictator like leader (D) a judge
What is (C) a dictator like leader
How does Paine describe the natural state of man? (A) Some people were born to be rulers and some subjects (B) Some people were born to be slaves and some masters (C) All people are born equal (D) Man is naturally evil
What is (C) All people are born equal
The Crisis was written by Thomas Paine to do which of the following? I. Keep spirits up among soldiers in the early years of the war with Great Britain II. To encourage colonists to leave England III. Share a sense of closeness with Mother England (A) I (B) I and II (C) I, II and III (D) II only
What is (D) I only
In Common Sense, Paine says "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered". What logical conclusion can be drawn about how Paine means here? (A) It is easy to leave England (B) It’s not easy to fight for your rights (C) It is not fair to the colonies to have to be taxed (D) It will be suspicious to England if the colonies serarate
What is (B) It’s not easy to fight for your rights
Who drafted the Declaration of Independence? (A) George Washington (B) Thomas Jefferson (C) Richard Henry Lee (D) The Colonial Committee
What is (B) Thomas Jefferson
The five steps of the writing process are what?
What is brainstorming, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing.
Which of the following reasons does Paine NOT state when he argues that the colonies must free from British rule? (A) Reconciliation would create an unstable political situation that cannot be left to posterity (B) Reconciliation would result in a renewed war with French-influenced, American- Indian tribes (C) The British will impose new, unjust taxes (D) America cannot be effectively governed from afar
What is (D) America cannot be effectively governed from afar
Which famous American ordered that The Crisis, No. 1 be read to the troops once it was published? (A) Thomas Jefferson (B) Richard Henry Lee (C) John Hancock (D) George Washington
What is (D) George Washington
Which of the following are logical reasons for the colonies to separate from England? (A) England is too far away to rule the colonies (B) It is only NATURAL to want to be free (C) God has given all people the right for freedom (D) All of the above
What is (D) All of the above
The Declaration of Independence states that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Which group of words is closest to “consent”? (A) fear, caution (B) permission, agreement (C) missing, incomplete (D) none of these
What is (B) permission, agreement
The Declaration of Independence states that “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…" What does the phrase "course of human events" mean? (A) government (B) family (C) colony (D) life
What is (D) life
Paine asserts that the Colonists are favored by whom? (A) the French and the native American Indians (B) God (C) the British (D) the Spanish
What is (B) God
Which a logical argument that Thomas Paine might have used to justify the idea that soldiers should maintain a positive attitude during the war against England? (A) The gains of freedom from England is greater than the loss of ties with England (B) The colonies will be able to govern themselves as one unified nation (C) A and B (D) None of these
What is (C) A and B
Which of the following explains how the colonies tried to avoid war with England? (A) They asked nicely (B) They gave money to England (C) They wrote letters of protest (D) None of the above
What is (A) They asked nicely
The Declaration of Independence stated "That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…" What does this quote suggest the colonists should do if they abolish their government? (A) remain loyal to their government (B) overthrow it (C) nothing (D) join their government
What is (B) overthrow it
In "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine", he writes that "‘Tis not the concern of a day, a year, or an age; posterity are virtually involved in the contest, and will be more or less affected, even to the end of time, by the proceedings now. . . .” What is the best definition of the word "posterity"? (A) law (B) new (C) language (D) future generations
What is (D) future generations
Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" begins with the following statement about the reason for separation from England. “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind…” What does this phrase mean? (A) America's mission for freedom and equality is, for the most part, exactly what all people are aiming for. (B) Books were written about the fight between England and America. (C) Everyone worldwide will be affected by American independence. (D) People are getting involved in the argument but England wont listen. The only answer is war.
What is (A) America's mission for freedom and equality is, for the most part, exactly what all people are aiming for.