Native Americans
Native American Literature
Early Explorers
Colonial Settlements
Colonial Contexts
The Native American princess credited with saving John Smith. She married John Rolfe.
Who is Pocahontas?
This outcast orphan becomes a hero in "Origin of Folk Stories."
Who is Gaqka or Crow?
Columbus kept a highly detailed journal of his eight-month voyage, but he sought to "heighten" interest in his discoveries by doing this in his letters.
What is exaggerating his discoveries, especially regarding the gold he found on the islands?
This was the first book published in the English colonies.
What is The Bay Psalm Book or The Whole Book of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre?
Many of Anne Bradstreet's poems dealt with this topic.
What is family life in early Puritan America?
The earliest Native American came from this place about fifteen thousand years ago.
What is Siberia?
This is what the rock received for telling his story in "Origin of Folk Stories."
What are a few bone beads?
Columbus offered the Native Americans to his queen as this.
What is a slave labor?
This author wrote a collection of poems that was published in London in 1650, and a second edition later published in Boston.
Who is Anne Bradstreet?
This Puritan minister, now recognized as a major colonial poet, wrote poetry that illuminated botht he intellectual and spiritual passion of Puritanism in New England.
Who is Edward Taylor?
The Native Americans established 3 major crops in the Americas.
What are corn/maize, squash, and beans?
Being struck by this object makes the sister conceive and populate the new earth in "How the World Was Made."
What is a fish?
Champlain chose to do this rather than search for gold and treasure.
What is forging alliances with various natives tribes?
This is the narrative written by Cotton Mather describing a "horrible plot against the country by witchcraft," culminating in Satan's unleashing of an "army of devils" upon Salem.
What is The Wonders of the Invisible World?
This form of writing was given impetus by the Protestant Reformation. with its strong emphasis on the role of reflection and self-examination in the spiritual lives of individuals.
What is a diary?
This was the primary vehicle for the preservation of the Native American culture.
What is spoken language, through poems, songs, and stories passed down from generation to generation?
Juhwertamahkai did this to the population of the earth when they began killing and eating each other.
What is letting the sky fall on the popluation to destroy them?
In addition to encouraging further expeditions to American, Cabeza de Vaca also encourged this.
What is more benign and just policies toward the native populations in the New World?
This book was written by John Smith and was one of the first histories of the English colonies in America.
What is The Generall Historie of Virginia?
Though Sarah Kemble Knight went on many business trips, her diaries did not discuss her business ventures. She chose to record this instead.
What is her itinerary, describing the inns where she stayed and the food that she ate?
He was among the first Native Americans who sought to perserve Native American history and culture and he published a work entitled....
Who is David Cusick? What is Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations?
This Native American story begins in a way that is similar to Genesis.
What is "The Story of the Creation'"?
Cabeza de Vaca's account of his experiences in South America is know for this.
What is the richest and most detailed description of the indigenous peoples and their traditions and culture?
This is William Bradford's famous history of the pilgrims.
What is Of Plimoth Plantation?
When William Byrd's diaries were tranlated, they were considered a major source of information on these topics.
What is plantation life and the extensive slave system that emerged in colonial Virginia?