The American People
Government By The People
Free Enterprise
Land and Regions
Resources and the Environment
The motto of the United States, displayed on the Great Seal and on our coins. It means "Out of many, one".
What is E Pluribus Unum?
The type of government the United States has.
What is a republic?
Of the following, the invention that Thomas Edison did NOT invent. a. Phonograph b. Cell Phone c. Microphone d. Kinetoscope
What is b. Cell Phone?
Of the following, which is NOT a way people use the land? a. for growing crops b. for building cities c. for raising animals d. for shaping landforms
What is d. for shaping landforms?
Trees, salt, and fish are examples of this.
What are natural resources?
Of the following choices, what is one reason the United States is so varied? a. People have moved here from all over the world b. It is a large country c. There are two main points of entry to the United States d. Much of the land was a gift from France
What is a. People have moved here from all over the world
The people have the power to make decisions about government in this type of government.
What is a democracy?
The best term for the right to start a business and own property.
What is Free Enterprise?
The reason the climate in the southern United States is warmer than in the northern United States.
What is the southern states are closer to the equator?
Trees are this type of natural resource: renewable or nonrenewable.
What is renewable?
The vocabulary word that means people who come to live in the United States from all over the world.
What is immigrants?
According to the United States Constitution, this is the leader of the federal government.
Who are the people?
Free Pass! You get 300 points!
What is Congratulations!
Of the following, which is an example of the U.S. regions working together? a. Rice grown in the Southwest is sold in Texas b. Electricity from Texas is sold in California c. People born in Utah grow up and live in Iowa d. Storms in the Northeast shut down all roads
What is b. Electricity from Texas is sold in California
This type of natural resource is important in making energy and electricity.
What are fossil fuels?
Of the following choices, which one tells one of the reasons the Pledge of Allegiance is so important. a. It shows our varied populations. b. We have to recite it each morning at school. c. It shows that we have a strong country d. It tells the basic ideals Americans share
d. It tells the basic ideals Americans share
The name of the written plan of government, written in the United States in 1787.
What is the United States Constitution?
The definition of supply and demand.
What is how much of a product is available and how much of it people will buy?
The main reason we divide the country into regions.
What is to make it easier to study geography?
To save water and not waste it means this.
What is to conserve water?
The world's most populated country as of 2000.
What is China?
The three levels of government in the United States.
What are federal, state, and local?
In Ms. Isacco's Amazing Pancake business, the people who buy and eat the pancakes are called this.
What are consumers?
The reading strategy you would use to determine what botany means in the following sentence from your textbook: "He attended a different college, and then transferred to Iowa State College to study botany, the science of plants."
What is context clues?
The Everglades in South Florida are this type of area.
What are wetlands?