These two Presidents were elected to a second term non-contiguously (not back-to-back)
Who are Grover Cleveland and Donald Trump?
The first President to live in the White House
Who was John Adams?
The doctrine of defending the Americas from European colonialism was named after this President
Who was James Monroe?
The President during WW1
Who was Woodrow Wilson?
The four Presidents on Mount Rushmore
Who were George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt
The first (and only) President to be elected as an Independent
Who was George Washington?
First President who was neither in government or the military prior to holding office.
Who is Donald Trump?
The doctrine of containing communism was named after this President.
Who was Harry S. Truman?
The President who bought the Lousiana Purchase from France
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The first President born as a US citizen
Who was Martin Van Bueren?
The first President to run for a third term.
Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
The first President to die in office
Who is William Henry Harrison?
This President's "New Deal" policies are often given credit for alleviating the Great Depression
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?
The President who expanded the US from "sea to shining sea"
Who was James K. Polk?
This President banned broccoli from the White House
Who was George H.W. Bush?
The most recent President to serve only one term
Who was George H.W. Bush?
The first Catholic President
Who was John F. Kennedy?
This President defied a court order to initiate the Trail of Tears
Who was Andrew Jackson?
The President during the end of WW2
Who was Harry S. Truman?
This President was never married
Who was James Buchanan?
This President ran as a third party against his former Vice President
Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
First President to own a pet cat in the White House
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
This President authorized the creation of the Department of Homeland Security
Who is George W. Bush?
The President when the US purchased Alaska
Who is Andrew Johnson?
These four Presidents were assassinated
Who were Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy?