2 person CPR /chain of survival

With an adult in apparent opioid overdose how often can the dose you have given the patient of Narcan be repeated?

 Every 2 to 3 minutes as needed.    

Extra credit:  What problems does the Narcan assist with. **** Breathing... It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, effectively displacing and blocking the opioids that are causing respiratory depression and loss of consciousness.

What do you call the method of unblocking an airway for a FBAO on a responsive infant
You use five back blows / five chest thrusts

You have an infant or child in sudden cardiac arrest but your AED has no pediatric pads or pediatric setting...what do you do?

Use the adult pads - chest (front)   back (back)


What is the compression and ventilation ratio for 2 person CPR for an infant? child?


Extra credit:  When switching roles of compressions and ventilations......what is maximum goal for time used for switching....Less than 10 seconds


If someone directly asks you to perform a specific action and you respond with a repeat of that action request....That is called

Closed loop communication - Repeat/confirmation of a requested task.   

*The sender may confirm or correct the message.

What age group uses the compression to ventilation ratio of 30 compressions to 2 ventilations for 1 person CPR
All age groups

After giving chest compressions to help move an object that is obstructing the airway...what is your next step?

Look in the airway to see if the object is visible

Extra:  If you think your patient could have a neck injury, what technique do you use?

Trauma airway maneuver or modified jaw thrust

Why is it important that we clear a patient before delivering a shock
Everyone must be clear so no bystander is shocked and enough electricity is available for the patient

Name the links in the Chain of Survival for an adult

Early recognition - Early 911 / Early CPR / Early AED / Early advanced care / continual post care / recovery

Can you treat a patient with an AED if they have a hairy chest? Have been submerged in water? Have a pacemaker? All you have is adult pads?
Yes......remove the hair where the pads will be placed......wipe down the chest to make it dry and be sure to move him to a dry area....don't place the pads right over the pacemaker...adult pads can be used on all age groups

What is the rate of compressions per minute for all age groups

Compress at a rate of 100 to 120 times per minute


You have an adult patient with an obstructed airway, what action do you perform to unblock the airway.

Perform 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts.


What does a shock from the AED do?

Helps restore a regular rhythm by stopping the heart so it can reboot.

Extra: Where do we check the pulse on an adult to see if a shock has worked?    the carotid or femoral artery


 What is ROSC

Return of Spontaneous Circulation

It is restoration of a palpable pulse and effective blood flow to the body following cardiac arrest. 


You are handing your patient over to the hospital.  Who should give them the patient status and provided care?

Team leader for that call


How deep do you compress on the chest for a child? infant? adult?

A child is 2 inches / an infant is approximately 1.5 inches or approximately 1/3 the depth of the chest   Adult is at least 2 inches

A person that you have been treating for choking goes unresponsive, what do you do next?
Do chest compressions

You noticed there is a task that has been missed and not assigned.  What do you do?

 Tell the team leader and assist them in finding the missed task. 


When one rescuer is responsible for giving chest compressions, what is the other rescuer responsible for

Breathing- If an advanced airway is present - do one every six seconds with continuous compressions


You have a patient you have assessed with no pulse no breathing. To assist the patient you do chest compressions and breathing.  What is the term when you make a clear decision based on your findings and what comes next?

Critical thinking


 When do you start providing high quality CPR

 As soon as you have recognized the patient is in SCA. (sudden cardiac arrest)****immediately

After you look in the mouth and you can see the object you sweep to get it out. What do you do next if the object is not visible
Whether the object is visible or not, the next step is to try to give effective breaths to see if the airway is clear

What should you never do with AED pads

Remove them or cut them down to size


What is the most efficient method to provide ventilations with a BVM if other rescuers are available.

 Two person technique: One rescuer seals the mask using two handed method and other rescuer gives ventilations watching for chest rise.


When you have determined the scene is safe, and you notice that your patient is on their side, unresponsive and you do not see any excessive bleeding......what is your next best action...

 Check for responsiveness