who is now attacking the british
The French
who wants to plan a attack on the north
what did the American people did when the British surronded them
fool the enemy by leaving campfires burning
did the American people win in the battle of Princeton
they won
what year did day 2 and day 1 set place in
what year did this stuff take place in
Who did the Burgone hire
iqoris scouts
who wrote the prophets
Thomas Hane
What day did the American people planed to attack while the hessian soliders were partying
after day 1 who would you say is winning right now
Contitential army
who switched sides
Benidect Arnold
who is traveling in the river
the Burgone
What was the name of the spy who was captured by the british
nathan hale
who was the person called hero in the conitenrial army.
George washington
who traveled through the swamps in day 3
what was the town that the french were planning to invade in
Where does George Washington rush to
what was the name of the battle in NYC
battle of long island
who was the person who died in a battle and he was trying to let the British know that conitenrial army is trying to attack
Johann Rall
what day did the time took place in oct 1776
day 3
what was the end of the war against British called
treaty of paris
What do the British need
what year did the Independence began
what was the persons name who donated to the contitental
Robert Morris
who reavaled that the hesssianns were busy
John honeyman