The Eve of War
The Shot Heard Round the World
Declaring Independence
Battles, Battles, Battles
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Rogue Captain, Ship burned, Narragansett Bay, Court of Inquiry

What is The Gaspee


He addressed his fellow legislators with powerful words at the Virginia Convention in March 1775

Who is Patrick Henry


Fought for the cause of independence

What are Patriots?


The last ditch effort by the Continental Congress to avoid war with Britain - offered loyalty to the King in return for curbing Parliament's abusive power over the colonies

What is the Olive Branch Petition?


Surprised the Germans singing Silent Nacht and then, Washington rode in front of his men, between enemy lines, to direct the attack.

What are the Battle of Trenton and Princeton?


Sent information to other colonies under the leadership of Samuel Adams

What is the Committee of Correspondence


Where the large stock of Patriot munitions were being held

What is Concord?


Fought for the King (two names)

Who are Loyalists or Tories?


Drawn up by Adams, Jefferson, Sherman, Livingstone and Ben Franklin on July 4, 1776

What is the Declaration of Independence?


Turning point in the American Revolution where Daniel Morgan and Benedict Arnold saved the day but all the credit was given to their commander, Horatio Gates.  

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


It gave a monopoly to the British East India Tea Company

What is the Tea Act of 1773

The two midnight riders that for-warned the people

Who is Billy Dawes and Paul Revere?


Hired mercenaries

Who were the Hessians?


Brits took Manhatten Island and Long Island, causing Washington to make a brilliant night retreat.

What is the Battle of New York?


5000 American troops were captured by the British and Tarleton gave no quarter to the captured prisoners.

What is the Battle of Charleston?


They lined up at attention on deck, emptied any loose tea from their boots and the deck.  They even replaced a broken padlock!

What is the Boston Tea Party


In this town, eight men, most of them shot in the back, were killed in the Village Green.  No one knows who fired the first shot.

Where is Lexington?


Took Fort Ticonderoga in New York.

Who are Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys?


150 American soldiers ran around a town with flags to fool the British into surrendering

What is The War in the West?


The Americans bravely held Cornwallis for over an hour to allow General Gates to retreat.  Gates was first in line in the retreat.  Americans were outnumbered and out generaled

What is the Battle of Camden?


4 acts of the Coercive Acts or "Intolerable Acts"

What is..

1.  Closed Boston Harbor
2.  Annulled the Massachusetts Colonial charter
3.  Made the Impartial Administration fo Justice which provided British officials accused of a crime be tried in another colony or England
4.  Quartering Act which made private homes available for quartering British soldiers

5.  Quebec Act allowed the French Canadians to have Roman Catholicism as their official religion - all the way to the Ohio River


Two kinds of troops in the American army.

What are militia and regulars?


Thought this battle was fought on one hill, but was actually fought on the other! (name both)

What is Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill


Isaac Shelby and Nolichucky Jack Sevier and 800 men showed the British NEVER to threaten a Carolinian.

What is the Battle of King's Mountain?


Charles Lee had little confidence in his men and ordered a hasty retreat, which angered Washington.  Molly Pitcher became famous.

What is the Battle of Monmouth?