
Who was the commanding general of the Continental Army during most of the American Revolution?

George Washington


Which battle is considered the first major battle of the American Revolution, occurring on April 19, 1775?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord.


What military tactic involved American troops hiding behind trees and rocks, using guerrilla warfare tactics against the British army?

Ambush tactics.


What was the primary firearm used by both American and British soldiers during the American Revolution?



What was the primary result of the American Revolution?

Independence of the thirteen American colonies from British rule.


Which French nobleman served as a major general in the Continental Army and played a crucial role in securing French support for the American cause?

Marquis de Lafayette


Which battle, fought on June 17, 1775, saw the British forces launch a frontal assault on American defenses but ultimately suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat?

The Battle of Bunker Hill.


Which tactic, employed by the Continental Army, involved retreating and luring the British forces into unfamiliar terrain, where they could be ambushed or harassed?

Strategic withdrawal.


What type of bayonet, commonly attached to muskets, was used by infantry soldiers during the American Revolution for close combat?

Socket bayonet.


What treaty, signed in 1783, formally ended the American Revolutionary War and recognized the independence of the United States?

The Treaty of Paris


Which American general famously betrayed the Continental Army and defected to the British side during the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold


In which battle, fought on December 26, 1776, did George Washington's forces achieve a surprise victory by crossing the icy Delaware River and attacking Hessian mercenaries in Trenton, New Jersey?

The Battle of Trenton.


What strategy did the Continental Army adopt during the harsh winter of 1777-1778, where they endured brutal conditions at Valley Forge to train and strengthen their forces?

Winter encampment.


What type of artillery piece, commonly used by both sides during the American Revolution, fired explosive shells in a high trajectory to target enemy troops or fortifications?



What economic consequence did the American Revolution have on Britain?

Increased debt and financial strain on the British government.


Who was the British general who surrendered to the Continental Army at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, a turning point in the American Revolutionary War?

General John Burgoyne


Which battle, fought on October 7, 1780, was a decisive victory for the British, resulting in the capture of over 5,000 American soldiers and effectively ending the Patriot threat in the southern colonies?

The Battle of Camden


What tactic, employed by the Continental Army under Nathanael Greene in the southern campaigns, involved avoiding direct confrontation with the British forces and instead focusing on disrupting supply lines and conducting hit-and-run attacks?

Fabian strategy.


What British firearm, known for its accuracy and reliability, was favored by some American soldiers who could afford it during the American Revolution?

Brown Bess musket.


What political philosophy, popularized during the American Revolution, emphasized individual rights and influenced the drafting of the United States Constitution?

Enlightenment ideals, particularly those of thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu.


Which British general led the forces that captured Philadelphia in 1777 but ultimately suffered defeat at the Battle of Saratoga?

General William Howe


Which battle, fought on September 28, 1781, was the last major land battle of the American Revolution and resulted in a decisive victory for the American and French forces, effectively ending the war?

The Battle of Yorktown.


What military innovation, utilized by the Continental Army under General Horatio Gates at the Battle of Saratoga, involved surrounding and cutting off the British forces, forcing their surrender?

Encirclement tactics.


What French firearm, supplied to the Continental Army during the later stages of the American Revolution, was renowned for its innovative design and effectiveness on the battlefield?

Charleville musket.


What long-term global impact did the American Revolution have on other nations seeking independence from colonial rule?

It served as a catalyst and inspiration for other independence movements around the world, including those in Latin America and Europe.