Give me Liberty or Give me death
Patrick Henry
1759 British attack the French
Battle of Quebec
tax on paper / printed materials
The Stamp Act
The end of the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris
The woman that led the Edenton Tea Party
Penelope Barker
The British are Coming!
Paul Revere
The shot heard 'round the world between the colonists and the British April 19, 1775
Lexington and Concord
The tax on imported goods like tea
Townshend Acts
The pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Almost a million dollars worth of tea were thrown into the Boston Harbor
The Boston Tea Party
For God's sake let us come to a final separation
Thomas Paine
June 17, 1775, William Prescott told his men to wait until the British got close enough before firing in order to not waste ammunition
Battle of Bunker Hill
The ports are closed for imports and exports
The Boston Port Act
The list of grievances sent to King George III to ask for a final separation
The Declaration of Independence
A "colorful" name for the British soldiers
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal...
Thomas Jefferson
December 25, 1776 Washington leads his troops across the Delaware
Defeat of the Hessians or Victory at Trenton
declares that people of the colony were now under stricter control in terms of meetings and electing officials
The Massachusetts Government Act
The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The only colony that did not attend the first Continental Congress
I am now convinced beyond a doubt that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place this army must inevitably be reduced...
General George Washington
September 1777 British were not able to break through the Continental Army. A turning point for the Revolutionary war.
Battle of Saratoga
If you committed a crime or were accused of a crime you would no longer be tried by a jury locally but sent to another colony or even back to England
The Administration of Justice Act
The engraving created by Paul Revere that fired up the colonists anger towards the British
The Boston Massacre
the number of stars on the Continental Army's flag