The French & Indian War
Revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence
Result of the French & Indian War
Famous People

The French and Indian War is also known as ________

The Seven Years War


What led to the Revolutionary War?

The costs of winning the French & Indian War left the British Empire in severe debt that it now must pay off


Who did not attend the First Continental Congress

Georgia & Florida


Parliament reacted to protest by passing the _______, which banned protest groups, limited colonial town meeting.

Intolerable Acts


After _________, the British Parliament created the Proclamation Line of 1763, which forbade colonists from moving across the Appalachian Mountains

Pontiac’s Rebellion


He led Georgia Militia,and took badly needed horses and weapons from the British soldiers.

Elijah Clarke


What caused The French and Indian War

Dispute between France and Great Britain over the Ohio River


Loyal to the King



Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


Issued by King George in 1763 / Forbid colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains and moved Georgia’s southern boundary to the St. Mary’s River

Proclamation of 1763


First colonial battle victory in Georgia

The Battle of Kettle Creek


Commanded the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), and became the President of the United States (1789 to 1797)

George Washington


Who fought in the French & Indian War

Great Britain vs. France & Indians


Were for independence for the colonies



__________ consist of the introduction and why the document was writing.



Intended to make the colonists buy sugar from the British West Indies rather than the French or Dutch.

Sugar Act


Georgians prepared for independence by manufacturing more of what they needed and buying less from other countries. __________ pressured merchants not to sell these goods. _________ persuaded colonists to make their own cloth and use colonial products.

Sons of Liberty, Daughters of Liberty


Tried to keep Georgians loyal. He believed colonists should obey British laws and negotiate changes with England.

Governor James Wright


Why did the Indians join the war?

Indians grew increasingly concerned about
British colonists filling into the back-country


Three weeks after the battles at Lexington & Concord, the __________ opened in Philadelphia.They called for the creation of a Continental Army to be led by George Washington. Continental Congress set up a committee to write a statement on independence.

Second Continental Congress


What part of the Declaration of Independence states the equality of men and the famous quote- Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. The Life part means people have the right to protect themselves against physical attack. The Liberty means the people have a right to criticize the government and Pursuit of Happiness means the right to own property and defend it.

Declaration of Rights


Forced the colonists to provide housing, food, and supplies for British troops

Quartering Act


The Assault on the South Begins: America Suffers it's Largest Defeats at the ______________.

Siege of Savannah


An African American hero of the Battle of Kettle Creek, who received land as payment for his Military service (Madison County)

Austin Dabney


How did the end of The French & Indian War affected Georgia

Georgia’s border was set to the                          Mississippi River                            


Who drafted "Common Sense" which challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The plain language that Paine used spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain.

Thomas Paine


States the abuses King George III took upon the colonists, such as the laws he made the colonists follow. It also states the other unjust things the King did to them.

Bill of Indictment/The list of Grievances 


Required all legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp that showed that the tax had been paid.

Stamp Act


When youths and soldiers in Boston traded insults, the soldiers fired, killing 5 colonists...

Boston Massacre


She stole their rifles and shot one or two of the soldiers. The only Georgia county named after a woman

Nancy Hart


What documentation/proclamation ended the war?

Treaty of Paris in 1763


The growth of the British & French colonies impacted Indians too. The French increased their alliances with Native Americans along the Ohio River Valley. The spread of British colonists into the backcountry & across the Appalachian Mountains led to numerous Indian conflicts.

The French & Indian War


What wraps up the whole Declaration, asking the King to correct the laws and at the end it states their independence from Britain. 

Statement of Independence/The resolution of independence


Taxed all goods imported into the colonies.

Townshend Acts


In 1830 Congress passed the _________.  This law said that all Indians living east of the Mississippi River must leave their lands and move to Indian Territory. (Current day Oklahoma). Known as the Trail of Tears

Indian Removal Act of 1830


Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence, Officially signed 8/2/1776

Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall and George Walton