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End of the War
Reasons for War

He was the leader of the Continental Army.

Who was George Washington?


Which two countries fought during the American Revolution?


What are England and America (The 13 Colonies)

What was the Continental Congress?


These military troops were ordinary citizens and volunteered to fight, but could leave whenever they needed to.

Who were the militia?

General Cornwallis became trapped at this location in 1781.
What is Yorktown?

This war (BEFORE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION) was very expensive, and King George decided the Americans should pay for it with taxes.

What is the French and Indian War?


He was part of the Continental Congress and went to France to ask them for help. He created the U.S. Postal Service.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


This governing body helped unite the 13 colonies. 

What was the Continental Congress


He was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Who was John Hancock?

This key force allowed the Americans to keep Cornwallis trapped in 1781.
What is the French Navy?

This was a tax on all printed goods in America.

What is the Stamp Act?


He was the leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston.

Who is Samuel Adams?


George Washington and his troops spent a hard winter at this campsite in Pennsylvania.

What is Valley Forge?


This author penned "Common Sense".

Who was Thomas Paine?

This treaty ended the American Revolution.
What is the Treaty of Paris?

This was the law that required colonists to allow British soldiers into their homes to eat and sleep.

What was the Quartering Act?

This group is remembered for defeating the British at Fort Ticonderoga.
Who are the Green Mountain Boys?

This battle outside of Boston ended with an American retreat because they ran out of gun powder.

What was Bunker Hill?

What was the Delaware River?


He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


The United States received land that extended to these areas in the North, South, and West as a result of the treaty that ended the war.

What is land North to Canada, South to Florida, and West to the Mississippi?


This was the event in which many Patriots boarded a British ship and destroyed all of the product on board.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


These were German soldiers that were hired by the British to fight during the American Revolution.

What are Hessians?


The goal of these was to capture enemy merchant ships and they served as the Patriot's naval answer to the British blockade of their ports.

What were Privateers?


This former British Sea Captain became a hero to the American Navy.

Who was John Paul Jones?


This action was performed at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay to keep the British from escaping.

What is blockade?


This was the event when British soldiers fired into the crowd, killing innocent civilians, including Crispus Attucks.

What was the Boston Massacre?