Imperial Reforms
Grab Bag
Patriot Resistance

Resentment against British law began when white settlers were forbidden from settling across this in 1763.

What is the Proclamation Line?

He tried to convince the colonies to form a confederation in 1754, but it didn't work.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


An effigy of Andrew Oliver was hung on the Liberty Tree of this city in 1765 by the Sons of Liberty.

Where is Boston?


This 1763 treaty ended the world war between England and France.

What is the Treaty of Paris.


The Tea Act of 1773 was an attempt not to raise tax revenue, but to save which company on the verge of bankruptcy?

What is the British East India Company?


He was involved in the French and Indian War and was appointed leader of the Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress after battles with Britain ramped up in 1775.

Who is George Washington?


This governing body met in 1774, the first time the colonies were able to unify.

What is the First Continental Congress?


He led a coalition of Native American tribes against European settlement west of the Appalachian mountains.

Who is Pontiac?

This is the name for colonists who hoped for a peaceful reconciliation with Great Britain and feared not only fighting the military might of the British Empire, but saw the Empire as providing a golden age of protection.

Who were the Loyalists.


The First Continental Congress declared loyalty to him in 1774.

Who is the King?


These women made homespun cloth and were committed to the non-importation movements of 1765 and 1768.

Who were the Daughters of Liberty?


This treaty ended the American Revolution in 1783.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


This Act was passed in the same year as the Stamp Act. The NY Assembly did not initially follow it.

What is the Quartering Act?


After this key battle, the French agreed to become an ally to the colonists.

What was Saratoga?


The British occupied Boston for the first time in 1768, and threatened all the colonies with suspending their assemblies if they signed on to the ideas of this publication. 

What is the Massachusetts Circular?


These Acts passed in 1768 were made up of several provisions, including: taxing British goods, removing the assemblies' ability to pay government officials, and creating more courts and allowing for search warrants to hold smugglers accountable.

What are the Townshend Acts.


He was the British General whose soldiers, in the midst of trying to secure ammunition stores, fired onto minutemen at Lexington and Concord.

Who was General Gage?


What event between two people is happening this evening in NYC at 6 pm PST? (*It's not a sports event)

What is the Vice Presidential debate.


The ideas of the Declaration of Independence are heavily influenced by what major philosophical movement of 18th century Europe?

What is the Enlightenment?


This proclamation's threat to seize property of Patriots and to free enslaved people in Virginia probably had the counter-effect of causing rich white men to join the Patriot cause.

What is Lord Dunmore's Proclamation.