Patriots vs Royalists
Leading up to the War
American War for Independence
The Beginnings of the Nation

This was the name for a group for people which wanted to leave English rule

Who were the patriots


This is the name of an act on paper products which angered many newspaper distributors

What was the Stamp Act


This was the name of the military force led by George Washington

What was the Continental Army

This is the name for the first frame of government for the United States

What were the Articles of Confederation


This was the name for a group for people which wanted to remain under English rule

Who were the Royalists


This is the name of an event which escalates the American Revolution, where a crowd is fired upon by British soldiers

What was the Boston Massacre


This is the name of the first major battle of the American Revolution

What was Bunker Hill


List two of the fears Americans had about a centralized government

1. Tyranny of the majority/minority

2. Tyranny of the state

3. Violation of state liberties


Royalists were concerned about the advantages the British had during war. These advantages included:

1. More supplies

2. Stronger/more experienced military


This is the name of a group of communication systems used before and during the American Revolution by patriots in order to spread information

What were Committees of Correspondence


This is the name of the location where Washington's army suffered during winter. However, he was able to prevent many from deserting, leading to a strong and well-trained army later on during the war

Where was Valley Forge


List two of the problems the Articles of Confederation's federal government had

1. Cannot levy taxes

2. No executive branch

3. Cannot regulate trade and commerce

4. Cannot enforce laws states did not accept

Patriots believed they would be effective fighters against the Royalists in a war because of these reasons

1. They were on their "home field"

2. Americans were using more effective rifles


This is the name of the acts put in place for Massachusetts after the Boston Massacre

What were the Townsend Acts


This is the name of the first conflict of the American Revolution, where Paul Revere and Samuel Prescott ride in the night to warn the militia of approaching British

Where was Lexington and Concord


This is the name of the treaty signed to officially end the American Revolution

Bonus 200 points if the correct date is included!

What was the Treaty of Paris (1783)

This is the number of grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence


This was the event which took place in Massachusetts when $5 million in beverages was destroyed by colonists

What was the Boston Tea Party


This is the name of the British general who surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown

Who was General Charles Cornwallis


This was the most significant achievement under the Articles of Confederation

What were the Northwest Ordinances of 1785 and 1787