Grab Bag
Causes of the American Revolution
End of the War

He was the leader of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States.

Who was George Washington?


What was the Continental Congress?

What is a governing body that helped unite the 13 colonies.


This event occurred as ant act of protest against taxes on tea. The colonists threw tea imported from Britain over the harbor.

What is the Boston Tea Party.


British General Cornwallis became trapped at this location in 1781, resulting in America winning the Revolutionary War.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?

These soldiers boasted that they could be ready to fight in one minute.
What were minutemen?

These soldiers volunteered to fight for their colony.

Who were militia?


Name 5 out of 13 Colonies.

What is... New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia


This event occurred as a fight between the colonists and British soldiers. This resulted in 5 deaths.

What was the Boston Massacre.


This key ally allowed the Americans to keep British General Cornwallis trapped in 1781.

What is the French Navy?


These are our 3 natural rights.

What is life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

This author penned "Common Sense".
Who was Thomas Paine?

George Washington and his troops spent a hard winter at this campsite in Pennsylvania where people died of smallpox and from lack of clothes/recources.

What is Valley Forge?


This event is seen as the start of the American Revolution. This fight occurred between the French and British, which resulted in Britain winning and reserving land for the Natives.

What was the French and Indian War.

This treaty ended the American Revolution.
What is the Treaty of Paris?

This group supported freedom for the colonists and was led by men like Paul Revere. They are specifically known for dumping tea over the Boston harbor.

What were the Sons of Liberty?

The King of New England.

Who was King George III?


After this key battle, the French agreed to become an ally to the colonists.

What was the Battle of Saratoga?


This was an act that punished colonists for the Boston Tea Party; it allowed soldiers to sleep in colonists homes and closed the Boston port.

What are Intolerable/Coercive Acts?


The United States received land that extended to these areas in the North, South, and West as a result of the treaty that ended the war. They could not move to this part during the French and Indian War.

What is West of the Appalachian Mountains; Ohio River Valley.


A person who supported the cause of freedom or separation from Britain was called this.

What is a Patriot?


A part of Sons of Liberty; he warned the other colonists that the British were coming during the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Who was Paul Revere?


4 reasons America won the Revolutionary War.

What is Motivation, knowledge of the land, allies, and great leadership.


This pamphlet was created in 1776 and successfully convinced many colonists to join the American Revolution.

What is Common Sense by Thomas Paine?


Name 1 reason why colonists were Patriots. Name 1 reason why colonists were Loyalists. 

What is...

Loyalists: safety, security, for the church of england, to avoid war

Patriots: taxation without representation, intolerable acts, no consent of the governed


This delegate wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Who was Thomas Jefferson