French and Indian War
Taxes/Acts & Boston Massacre
Declaration of Independence
Random Facts about Mr. Le
These two countries fought in the French and Indian War 

France and Britain 


Explain the Stamp Act (1765)

Colonists were required to pay for an official British stamp when they bought paper items. If they did not use the British stamp, they were fined or jailed


Where did the Enlightenment happen?

All over the world


The Declaration of Independence was written in

1776 on July 4th 

Mr. Le's birthday is on the 7th of the _______ (month)

November 7th 


This is the name of the other war that was fought in Europe while the French and Indian War was happening in the colonies 

The Seven Years War 


Explain the Boston Tea Party

The Sons of Liberty (colonists), dressed as Native Americans, dumped hundreds of British tea chests into the Boston Harbor because they were upset with the Tea Act 

These were the ideas of the Enlightenment (must name four of the five ideas to get it right)

Reason and logic, science, math, government, religion


Name four of the Founding Fathers 

Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, etc

Mr. Le has been to three states four times

Hawaii, California, and Florida 


This French and British fought over ______  from ______ in the __________ 

money; fur trade; Ohio River Valley 

The colonists did not like the taxes and acts because
Colonists were taxed without them having a say in any of the taxes ("no taxation without representation" 

The Enlightenment was important because 

It justified colonists rebellion against the British 


Why were women not included in part of the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Women were supposed to be 'mothers'/domestic figures, taking care of the children and doing housework. The colonies (and the U.S. still has) had a patriarchal society (male-dominated society) where men did all the decision-making. 


This is Mr. Le's favorite Disney movie 

Up :')

This is the system that the British employed to make money during and after the French and Indian War, and colonists hated this 



This is the name of the person that was the first death of the American Revolution (must be spelled correctly to get it right!)

Crispus Attucks 


The Social Contract theory states that 

All people have a right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY

The people have a right to overthrow the government and create their own if the government does not protect its people's rights 

"Life, Liberty, and Property" became "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" in the Declaration of Independence. Why did the Founding Fathers change "Property" to "Pursuit of Happiness" ??

The Founding Fathers owned slaves, and essentially they tried to 'hide' this by saying everyone can find their own happiness -- we know this is not the case for all people 


Mr. Le's parents came from this country by boat



Explain how the Seven Years War and French and Indian War were a cause of the Revolutionary War

The British fought two expensive wars and began to tax colonists for these wars, even after the Navigation Acts which limited colonists' trade to only Britain

The Boston Massacre was important because

The colonists spread a message (propaganda) to other colonists by saying how the British were terrible and killed colonists for protesting 


The Enlightenment justifies colonists rebellion, but how does it contradict colonists in the Declaration of Independence? 

The Founding Fathers owned slaves 


The Declaration of Independence was important because 

It symbolized colonists' rebellion against the British by listing their wrongdoings and includes the natural rights of all people within the United States 


Mr. Le deadlifted ______ lbs for 10 reps last Thursday (guess a number)

285 lbs