Who was the King of England during the American Revolution.
Document written by Thomas Jefferson in which the American colonists explain their reasons for separating from Britain
What was the final battle of the American Revolution?
The Battle of Yorktown
What document officially ended the American Revolution?
The Treaty of Paris
A body of elected officials who makes laws to represent the people is called
This act passed a law that made colonists pay tax on anything printed on paper.
Stamp Act
Someone that wanted to be free from British rule.
The Patriot leader from Boston whose midnight rides warned of the British coming to Lexington and Concord.
This was the first battle that began the American Revolution and fired the "shot heard around the world"
The Battle of Lexington & Concord
Who has the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence?
John Hancock
This act put a tax on tea that the colonists had to pay taxes on barrels of tea.
Tea Act
Someone who was loyal to King George III
This document officially separated America from England
The Declaration of Independence
This act closed the port of Boston until the Tea lost from the Boston Tea Party was paid for.
Intolerable Acts
The idea that Parliament was taxing colonists without their consent is called:
General of the Continental Army
George Washington
During this event, people dressed as Native Americans and boarded ships and threw the tea into the Boston Harbor.
Boston Tea Party
What day was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 4, 1776
This battle was the turning point of the war?
The Battles of Saratoga
What did the Proclamation of 1763 state?
It was a boundary stating the American colonists couldn't settle land past the Appalachian Mountains
What was the event that left 5 unarmed colonist dead?
Boston Massacre
First person killed during the Boston Massacre
Crispus Attucks
The French and Indian War was fought between what two groups?
The French and British
The British needed the money from the colonist's taxes to pay for debt from which war?
French and Indian War
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry