Tapping a deaf person on the shoulder.
What is a proper way to get the attention of a deaf person?
The language that has deep roots in France
What is American Sign Language?
Mainly used for brand names, and the names of people and places.
What is fingerspelling?
Produced films to preserve sign language
What is the NAD?
The person that invented the telephone.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
It was introduced at Gallaudet University.
What is the football huddle?
Historically, Deaf people face discrimination in these areas
What is job hiring, obtaining driver's license, getting fair insurance rates, and obtaining access to public services?
When you do not know the sign for a word or there is not a sign for that word.
What is fingerspelling?
The protest rally at Gallaudet University assured that Deaf people be placed in top level decision making.
What is Deaf President Now (1988)?
Connecticut clergyman opened the first school for the deaf.
Who is Thomas Gallaudet?
Places that provided an opportunity for Deaf people to socialize.
What are Deaf Clubs?
George Veditz
Who is the most well know president of the NAD?
The hand you fingerspell with.
What is your domanint hand?
The year the American with Disabilities Act became a law
What is 1990?
The teacher at the first school for the Deaf.
Who is Laurent Clerc?
Given to a person by a Deaf person
What are name signs?
American Sign Language is used mainly in what two countries.
What are the United States of America and Canada?
Palm orientation of most fingerspelled letters
What is forward/outward?
The American School for the Deaf was founded this year.
What is 1817?
He signed a law founding Gallaudet College as a college for Deaf students.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Parents would try to cure their children of deafness.
What is flying in airplanes, and medication?
The NAD fought to use it in classrooms of mainstream schools.
What is ASL (American Sign Language)?
You slide your hand from side to side.
What is fingerspelling two same letters in the same word next to each other?
The date that the Milan Conference took place.
What is 1880?
Proved that ASL was its own language.
Who is William Stokoe?