What is the GPA I have consistently had over the past two years?
Who is my favorite teacher at La Salle?
Ms. Parga
What character was I in Children of Eden?
What am I worst at in dance?
When did I get my schedule?
The morning of my first day
What sport did I try to play before the start of Freshman year?
Who was my favorite teacher at Mayfield?
Ms. Mercado
Fahrenheit 451 was the book I used for my first book report in eighth grade, what was the book I used in the second semester?
Alice in Wonderland
What is my favorite genre of dance to perform?
Hip Hop
Which TA did I think was the best at their job?
How many days of Sophomore year did I miss?
Which teacher do I feel awkward around because I think we have beef?
Mr. So
Which field trip did I think there was someone watching me in the middle of the night?
Who emailed the dancers after our second semester show saying that we did amazing and they felt bad they couldn’t come?
Ms. Jalbert
What was the task I had to do every morning before carline?
Unlocking the classroom doors
What was the unit in AP Euro that I did best in and felt most confident in?
Which teacher wrote in my yearbook saying that I should stop panicking and realize that everything will be okay in the end?
Mr. Sheridan
Name the two sports I was forced to play in eighth grade
Volleyball and Basketball
What was the reason Ms. Shaw got mad at us during our performance at the senior home in May?
We were laughing the entire time
Why did I have to ask Paola for another TA and what class was it for?
Dance because Ms. Aimee was making me do like a million things
Every teacher this year said happy birthday to me except for one, who was it?
Ms. Charley
What teacher did I ask to be my reference for my job?
Ms. Shaw
Who did I walk off with at graduation?
What dance was I the worst at?
Got It In You (Genesis)
There was one counselor who couldn’t be there the last week, why wasn’t he there?
He fractured his ankle