The day before today
What is the color of the moon?
What is gray?
The woman who have birth to you is your ____.
What is Mother
What you say to someone when they do something for you.
What is Thank You.
This holiday is associated with horror
What is halloween?
The main meal of the day done around midday or in the evening.
What is dinner?
A color that represents cold?
What is blue?
Another girl who is born to the same parents to whom you are born is your _____.
What is sister?
When you haven't seen someone in awhile you ask them
What is How Are You?
December 25 is _______.
What is Christmas?
Sometimes your parents will ask you to take out the ------
What is trash?
The color associated with forests, grass, etc
What is green?
The sister of one's father or mother is your_____.
What is aunt?
A person who cannot hear.
What is Deaf
What is Valentine's Day?
The place you go to learn
What is school?
Mixing red and white turns into what color?
What is pink?
The kids of your aunt and uncles
What is cousins?
What your parents give you at birth.
What is a Name?
A holiday where people usually eat turkeys or ham
What is Thanksgiving?
A popular American food that is served with a side of french fries.
What is a burger?
Red and blue make this color
What is purple?
Your parents' parents
What is grandparents
Someone who doesn't label themselves as Deaf, but has a documented hearing loss.
What is Hard Of Hearing
This holiday has a bunny, rabbit, candies, eggs, and occurs in the spring
What is Easter?