A game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court.
What does the NFL stand for?
National Football League
What color are the goalposts in football?
Who is the football quarterback who led his teams to a record seven Super Bowl victories
Tom Brady
What is it called to take the ball forwards past opponents by continuous bouncing.
A sport of bat and ball in which a successful batter hits the ball and runs around 4 bases to score a point.
What does the MLB stand for?
Major League Baseball
In football, how many points does a touchdown hold?
6 points
Which basketball player was Michael Jordan nicknamed after when he was in high school?
Magic Johnson
What is scoring a play in football?
Ice Hockey
What material was first used to cover baseballs?
How much does an NFL football weigh?
1 pound
Which MLB player was better known as “The Bambino”?
Babe Ruth
In basketball this occurs when an offensive player in possession of the basketball takes an extra step or makes an otherwise illegal movement with their established pivot foot
This sport known as "gridiron" is a popular American sport derived from soccer and rugby. A helmet and plenty of pads are necessary.
American Football
When a team plays at home, what advantage do they have?
Home Field Advantage
In football, where do you have to go in order to score a touchdown?
The end zone
What retired basketball player tried out for the Chicago White Sox in 1994?
Michael Jordan
A scoring shot in which a player jumps up and forces the ball down through the basket.
A slamdunk
A team game, originating in North America, in which the ball is thrown, carried, and caught with a long-handled stick having a curved L-shaped or triangular frame at one end with a piece of shallow netting in the angle.
What is the only sport to be played on the moon?
In Football what's the name of the player stationed behind the centre who directs a team's offensive play?
He was the youngest player to be drafted by the NBA number 1 at the age of 18.
Lebron James
a hit that allows the batter to make a complete circuit of the bases and score a run.