Civil War and Western Expansion
Imperialism and WWI
Gilded Age/Progressive Era
20s/Great Depression/WWII

Name the 3 branches of government and what they are responsible for.

Executive > executing the law

Legislative > making the law

Judicial > interprets the law


Define Manifest Destiny

The belief that Americans had the God given right to expand westward across the North American continent from the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean


Define imperialism.

Control over political, military, economical, and cultural life in a less advanced country


Most immigrants lived in these crowded dirty apartment buildings.

What are tenements


This is why more Americans began buying more consumer goods

What is disposable income


These are considered to be the first 2 political parties. Name them and identify their beliefs.

Federalists: wanted a strong central government and did not want Bill of Rights

Anti-Federalists: wanted stronger state governments and wanted a Bill of Rights


What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the rebelling states on January 1, 1863


This piece of legislation determined that America would intervene in European affairs in Latin America to protect US interests

The Monroe Doctrine


This act prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency.

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act


The stock market crashed on this day

What is "Black Tuesday"


What are the 7 constitutional principles? Bonus if you can define them all. (+100)

  1. Popular sovereignty: gov in which people rule

  2. Republicanism: people exercise their power through voting

  3. Limited gov: restricts the power of gov

  4.  Federalism: power is divided between central and smaller govs

  5. Separation of powers: 3 branches share the gov’s power

  6. Checks and balances: each branch checks on the other branches to make sure they follow the Constitution

  7. Individual rights: personal liberties and privileges


Describe the climate between the North and South leading up to the Civil War.

Overall, the climate was politically tense. Although there were some means to compromise, a majority of the events leading to the Civil War were conflicts typically about slavery


These 3 compounded events made America join WWI.

1. Sinking of the Lusitania

2. Zimmerman Telegram

3. German unrestricted Warfare


What did anti-suffragists believe? Why did they believe that?

Believed that women should not vote.

Women were too physically frail

Women would become masculine

Women were too irrational and emotional

Women were not able to understand the complexities of politics


This president believed that help for the people during the Great Depression should come from state governments

Who is President Hoover


Describe the Constitutional Convention of 1787. What was the final outcome? Furthermore, what were the main debates that took place to get to the final outcome? (You must correctly identify 2 but there are 4 we learned about in total)

The Constitutional Convention was to discuss and remedy the problems of the AoC. Ultimately, the convention evolved into drafting a new government from scratch, the Constitution. 

The 4 main debates were: the Bill of Rights, representation, the branches of government, and slavery


Why were the Native Americans in the Great Plains nomadic?

Native Americans were nomadic due to the changing locations of their food resources and moving due to the change in seasons


Explain the impact Commodore Perry had on Japan.

Japan had been isolationist up until this point, but began to industrialize once Perry opened the country


Define vertical integration. Provide an example of a person who practiced it.

Acquired companies that supplied all section of the business. Rockefeller 


The dropping of the bomb was announced through this ultimatum

What is the Potsdam Declaration


What is one SCOTUS case we studied this year. Describe the case and the lasting impact.

Tinker v Des Moines, Roe v Wade, Miranda v Arizona, Brown v Board, Scott v Sandford


How did the Transcontinental Railroad impact Westward Expansion?

Brought civilization in mass volumes to the West, built towns, various careers, wars with the Native Americans


The lasting impact Schenck v US had on American society 

It established the “clear and present danger” clause, which can allow the government to restrict free speech during wartime


Booker T Washington asserted the following idea

That African Americans should concentrate on achieving economic and vocational goals rather than political ones


The term for a rejection of more traditional models of the moral life and a strong endorsement of new modes is

What is new morality