The Transcendentalists use this as a conduit to connect with God/The Divine
Fill in the blank and explain:
Emerson says, "I become the ___________ _______: I am nothing: O see all: the current of the Universal being circulates through me: I am part or parcel of God"
The Transparent Eyeball
Emerson is connecting with the over-soul
In "The Rhodora", what literary device is Emerson using when he is speaking to the flower?
In "Walden" Thoreau reference that he was able to take everything of value from the farms he would tour, without any threat to his _______
What was Emerson's occupation before converting to Transcendentalismt
He was a Unitarian Preacher
This poem is about the importance of being optimistic, and how important it is for people to stay positive, especially those who are struggling
Hope is the Thing with Feathers
The Transcendentalists view God as an ever-present force that connect all parts of his creation typically known as...
The Over-Soul
Fill in the Blank: When Emerson is immersing himself in nature, with his head "Uplifted into infinite space", he says his "Mean _______ Vanishes"
Fill in the blank and explain.
Emerson has changed the way he views and identifies himself by connecting with the Over-Soul
"Concord hymn" was written for the unveiling of a monument commemorating the heroic actions of this alliterative group
Minute Men
In "Walden" what does Thoreau believe is the key to being happy in life
Simplicity (Simplify Simplify Simplify)
What was Thoreau's occupation before becoming a Transcendentalist?
A School Teacher
This poem is about individualism and nonconformity, remaining true to yourself and your own values, not allowing public pressure or social expectations to get in the way
The Soul Selects her own society
Transcendentalism is a reaction and rejection to the rationalism of the Enlightenment, choosing to instead focus on emotion and this...
Fill in the blank and explain:
Emerson says that, "In the woods, too, a man casts off his years as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life is always a _____"
Emerson finds himself with a childlike sense of wonder and optimism in the wilderness, with a new sense of discovery he has never had previously.
In "Concord Hymn", what Transcendentalist Philosophy does Emerson believe the Founding Father's Embodied
What does Thoreau believe, "keeps the country free.... Settles the west....educates...engages in trade..." is not the government, but rather the _
The American People (Or the American Spirit)
What life event brought on Emerson's conversion to Transendentalism?
The death of his wife
This poem is about the necessity of failure in life and how it motivates you in the future
Success is counted sweetest
While most groups of artists are grouped together by their styles, the transcendentalists are not, instead they are grouped together by their shared...
Fill in the Blank and Explain: Emerson says that we must exercise caution in our interactions with the natural world, as often "Nature wears the colors of mans ______"
Spirit (or emotion)
The meaning that man finds in nature is often based on their own individual experiences- our own emotions change the way we perceive nature’s messages, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Finish the following quote: The men who fought against the British in the first battles of the revolutionary war are remembered as "Firing the _____ _____ _____ ____ ______ "
"...Shot Heard Round the World"
What did Thoreau enjoy the most about the location of the Hollowell Farm?
Why did Thoreau quit his first career path?
He refused to enforce Corporal punishment
In this poem, the speaker reflects on how her love of nature and the unseen beauty of the world is similar to her belief in God
I Never Saw a Moor
This core Transcendentalist tenet that God created us to follow our own unique path.
Fill in the blank and explain:
"Envy is ________ and Imitation is _________"
Envy is Ignorance and Imitation is suicide
When you are jealous of someone else, you are ignorant to the best parts of yourself, and when you imitate someone else, you are killing the unique individual that you are.
"Concord Hymn" was written to commemorate these two battles that signified the beginning of the revolutionary war.
Battles of Lexington and Concord
What did Thoreau stop the owners of the Hollowell farm from doing while he was considering purchasing it
Making Improvements
Why was Henry David Thoreau arrested in 1846
Refusal to pay Taxes
This Poem is about the Frustration and vulnerability that comes with being unappreciated and unable to connect with the world during your time, and the importance of connecting with nature
This is my letter to the world
Based on the ideas of individualism, this belief is the idea that each individual has their own path to follow and goal to reach, known as this
Transcendent Destiny
"No Kernal of nourishing corn can come to him but through his _____ bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.
What virtue is Emerson trying to encourage with his analogy of the kernel of corn in "Self-Reliance"
Hard-work and determination
In "The Rhodora", Emerson argues for this belief, which states that there is inherent value in beauty, and that beauty can exist for its own sake.
In "Civil Disobedience" Thoreau says, "That Government is best which governs ______"
"Not at All"
What was Henry David Thoreau protesting when he was arrested in 1846
The Mexican-American War (And also Slavery)