This explosive is used to celebrate America's Independence Day on July 4.
This is the city in California most associated with film production
First president of the United States
George Washington
Mickey Mouse's dog...which uncomfortable is an identical species to his friend Goofy that he does not enslave
The New Years Ball drop occurs in this city, which apparently has a large apple...
New York City
The first atomic bomb was tested in this state
New Mexico
The alternate name for the Academy Awards ceremony held once a year
This company's printed catalog became the epitome of American consumerism
This pastime is often considered America's game due to its longstanding heritage in the country
This was penned while observing the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812
The Star Spangled Banner
This movie is often considered the first summer blockbuster
14th President of the United States
Franklin Pierce
SMH in text lingo
Shaking my head
This movie started the Star Wars film saga
A New Hope
This famous gun company was the surname of a woman who built a large mansion in California to atone for the sins of the company
This person has the record for the most Academy Awards
Walt Disney
The only president, as of 2023, to serve two, non-consecutive terms in office
This person's nickname was "King of Pop"
Michael Jackson
This event was feared as the new millennia neared, keep your computers off!
This famous volcano erupted in Washington state in 1980
Mount St. Helens
The first movie that featured recorded words and dialogue in 1927.
The Jazz Singer
The $500 bill remains a legal tender and features what assassinated president on it.
William McKinley
This television show host had products for sale at K-Mart and spent time in jail
Martha Stewart
JFK Stadium in Philadelphia was part of this international festival meant to help the 1983-85 Ethiopian Famine (featuring Queen, David Bowie, and Sting)
Live Aid