Concepts 1
Concepts 2
Vocabulary - nouns and adjectives
Vocabulary - verbs and adverbs

Year when the first colonists settled on the east coast of the American continent.

What is 1600?


These values are said to be most closely associated with the frontier heritage of America. 

What is individual freedom, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity?

Because they experienced disappointment or failure in business, in public, or even in love.
Why did Americans move west to make a new beginning in the 1800s.
an/to effect or result; to influence strongly
What is "impact"?

to show something that was hidden

What is "reveal"?


It began in 1600s and ended about 1890.

What is the American Frontier Experience?


The reason why most Americans view the frontier settler as the model of the free individual and the frontier is seen as the Wild Wild West.

What is because there were few laws and few established social or political institutions?

Examples of this given in the book are the American belief that any problem has a solution and that Americans take pride in meeting challenges and overcoming difficult obstacles.
What is the American "can do" spirit.
easy to see and understand; obvious, clear
What is "evident"?

unsettled region or the border between two countries.

What is "frontier"?


He exemplified the "heroic rugged individualist" who was able to master life in the wilderness.

Who was Daniel Boone?

First, the image of the rugged individualist overstates the importance of complete self-reliance and understates the importance of cooperation in building a new nation out of the wilderness. Second, it overlooks the important role of pioneer women in taming the frontier.
Why has the image of the rugged individualist been criticised?

A powerful political pressure group which has worked to prevent most gun control legislation from passing.

What is the National Rifle Association (NRA)?


rough, strong, tough

What is "rugged"?


after a long time

What is "eventually"?

They exemplified the "heroic rugged individualist" whose greatest ability was to fight other men and defeat evil.
Who were Jesse James and Wyatt Earp?
Because so little attention was paid to a person's background.
Why did the frontier offer a new beginning for many Americans who were seeking opportunities to advance themselves?
He has been made physically tough and rugged by the conditions of frontier life. He is skilled with guns and other weapons, needs no help from others, and often appears alone, unmarried, and without children.
Who is the American male hero, the rugged individualist?

a situation that exists as a result of things that happened at an earlier time.

What is a "legacy"?

view in imaginative but impractical way
What is "romanticize"?
She was a US Congresswoman who was shot in 2012 and who campaigns for stricter gun control laws with her husband.
Who is Gabrielle Giffords?
When Americans believe that the police cannot adequately protect them.
When are Americans willing to take the law into their own hands?
This concept has sometimes been called "manifest destiny."
What is one name of the white American settlers' belief, common in the 19th century, that it was their destiny to control all the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans?
made less sensitive
What is "desensitized"?
to serve as a good example
What is "exemplify"?