Making Inferences
Literary Nonfiction
Context Clues
In "America's Gates" the legal inspectors were necessary to the immigrants' entry process because-
D- They limited possible harmful effects to current American Citizens Evidence P. 6
Based on the title of "America's Gates" the reader can predict the main idea to be-
F- Ellis Island allows access to life in a new country. Evidence- America is the new country and the gates are the "access point" for immigrants coming to Ellis Island/America
Read this sentence from paragraph 1 of "The Legacy of Mayor LaGuardia" Although short in stature, this giant of a man was an adored leader because of his compassionate heart and tireless efforts to help others. The use of figurative language in the above sentence emphasizes that-
B- A person's appearance does not determine one's accomplishments Evidence- It says ALTHOUGH short in stature, this GIANT OF A MAN WAS AN ADORED leader
What is the meaning of the word deportation as used in paragraph 6 of "America's Gates"?
H- The act of forcing to leave a country Evidence P.6 If it's a wrong answer or they are too weak they would have to go back
Which Sentence from "America's Gates" best supports the idea that the immigrants exhibited courage?
G- It often resulted in leaving everything familiar to go to a land of unknowns You have to have courage to go somewhere you have never been and leave everything behind. P. 2
The photograph following paragraph 9 of "America's Gates" is included to demonstrate that-
C- the immigrants owned a few possessions Evidence- Picture shows people walking with just a few things (considering that is all they have to their name)- We can't prove they are a family!
Why does the author include paragraph 2 of "The Legacy of Mayor LaGuardia"?
D- To show why LaGuardia was concerned for immigrants Evidence- P.2 Describes him as being born by immigrant parents and wanting to help immigrants coming to America
Which word in paragraph 4 of "The Legacy of Mayor LaGuardia" helps the reader understand the meaning of vision?
C- Goal Evidence P. 4 He had a goal as a Mayor and wanted that "vision" to come true
The author's use of logical order in "America's Gates" allows the reader to-
A- Relate to the challenges the immigrants experienced Evidence- It explained the immigrants struggle from the beginning to the end, and helped us (the reader) better understand and connect with the immigrants' struggles
Which sentence best shows that LaGuardia was compassionate?
J- LaGuardia's goal as mayor was that all residents of New York City live in decent housing, feel secure, and raise healthy children Evidence- compassionate means you care a lot about other's well being and feelings and that's the only answer that deals with that.
What is the connection between Mayor LaGuardia reading the comics and collecting money for the grandmother?
G- Both show that LaGuardia was concerned about people being treated fairly Evidence- The grandmother needed that money for food (P.6) and The comics were read because the children could never hear them because of the strikes (P.5)
The photograph below paragraph 9 of "America's Gates" and the photograph in paragraph 6 of "The Legacy of Mayor LaGuardia" represent
B- Hope Evidence- First picture those people just got off the boats and are hoping to clear the process to live in America and the Second picture represents hope for that grandmother to easily pay the 10 dollar fine
What action does not provide evidence that Mayor LaGuardia was concerned about children?
F- He substituted as a night judge Evidence- A night judge isn't directly helping children
Which sentence from "America's Gates" provides evidence that Fiorello LaGuardia demonstrated similar traits both as a translator and as a mayor?
G- The doctors, nurses, interpreters, and other employees of Ellis Island treated the immigrants with kindness and consideration Evidence- P.9 and LaGuardia was compassionate and knew different languages
What message is expressed by the author's of "America's Gates" and "The Legacy of Mayor LaGuardia"?
H- Goals are accomplished because of determination and willingness to take risks Evidence- In both stories the immigrants and the mayor had goals, but both were reached because of the risks and determination they took
Why would the immigrants in "America's Gates" have appreciated Fiorello LaGuardia?
A- He would have spoken to them in their native languages Evidence- Having someone that knew their language in this new country would have made them feel so comfortable