Grammar Practice
This is the goal that both boys have in "Amigo Brothers."
What is to become a champion boxer?
This is evidence that Felix is experiencing an internal conflict about the fight with Antonio.
What is he dreams about the fight, and he pulls his punches in his dream?
This could be inferred by the author's description of fight magazines, newspaper clippings, and ticket stubs owned by the boys.
What is they are extremely serious and interested in boxing?
This is the meaning of evading in the following sentence. "Antonio evaded his opponent's fists."
What is avoiding being punched?
This part of speech modifies nouns or pronouns.
What are adjectives?
This is the reason that Felix goes to the movies.
What is to keep him from thinking about fighting Antonio?
This is an example of external conflict in the story.
What is the two boys have to fight each other in a boxing match?
This inference can be made from Felix's statement that he and Antonio have to act like strangers when they box each other.
What is they don't want their friendship to get in the way of winning?
We read that Antonio's punches are devastating. Of these four things, this one is most likely to be devastating. A car, a feather, an apple, a tornado.
What is a tornado?
These two words are used as adjectives in the following sentence. "In the quiet early dark, he peered over the ledge."
What are quiet and early?
This is the reason that the boxing match takes place in a park.
What is the gym was not big enough?
This type of conflict takes place within a character's thoughts or feelings.
What is internal conflict?
You can make this inference from the following passage. "Rights to the body. Lefts to the head. Neither fighter was giving an inch."
What is they were both doing their best?
This is the meaning of dispelled in the following sentence. "If Felix had any small doubt about their friendship affecting their fight, it was being neatly dispelled."
What is driven away?
The word that great modifies in the following sentence. "The fight had created great interest in the neighborhood."
What is interest?
This is the reason that Felix and Antonio decide not to see each other until the fight.
What is they want to focus on the fight, and they can't do that if they're worried about their friendship?
The type of conflict and the character experiencing it revealed in the following passage: "Antonio was passing some heavy time on his rooftop. How would the fight tomorrow affect his relationship with Felix?"
What is Antonio's internal conflict?
This inference can be drawn from the following passage. "The announcer turned to point to the winner and found himself alone. Arm in arm the champions had already left the ring."
What is the boys cared more about their friendship than about who had won the fight?
Of the choices, this one could be described as perpetual. A football game, a blizzard, a race, the passage of time
What is the passage of time?
This word from the following sentence is an adjective. "They fooled around with a few jabs at the air, slapped skin, and then took off."
What is few?
These are three differences between the two boys.
What are looks, height, and fighting style?
This is the way that the external and internal conflicts in the story are related to each other.
What is the external conflict of the fight brings about an internal conflict in each character?
You can make this inference by the description of the fight.
What is both boys are good boxers, and they are both trying their best?
This is the meaning of dignitaries in the following sentence. "There were speeches by dignitaries, community leaders, and great boxers of yesteryear."
What are people holding high positions or offices?
This word in the following sentence is modified by awesome. "Antonio's face, superimposed on the screen, was hit by the awesome punch."
What is punch?