Process of interacting with graphical elements within
applications by simulating mouse and keyboard controls
What is Ui Automation
An organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a
computer system
What is database
A programming language used by nearly all relational databases to query, manipulate, and define
data, and to provide access control
What is a SQL
What does html stand for
What is hypertext markup language
This is the innermost box of the CSS Box Model.
What is content
Simulates a click or type with the help of the hardware driver
What are hardware events
Type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another
What is Relational Databases
These are the 2 types of Stored Procedures in SQL.
User-Defined and System.
CSS box model from outer to inner.
What is a margin, border, padding and content.
The fastest output
What is a full text
Language used for CREATE, ALTER and DROP
What is DDL
These are the differences between SQL Dialect and SQL Sublanguage.
What is a SQL Dialect refers to the SQL variant used by a database vendor.
SQL Sublanguages refer to the different categories of the statements/commands in SQL
This is the root element for a html doc.
What is HTML
These are the kinds of joins in SQL.
What is Inner, outer, left, right, cross join
Key targeting methods in UI Automation.
What are selectors, fuzzy selectors, anchors, and image
Designing database in a certain way to ease data management.
What is Normalization.
Keeps only rows which are common in both queries.
What is Intersect
Designing pages so they render well on any window.
What is Responsive
They are translations on
high level queries into low level
expressions that can be used at physical
level of file system, query optimization and
actual execution of query to get the actual
What is query processing
What is the difference between the open browser activity and the attached browser activity? (Daily Double)
Open Browser Activity
• Allows you to set a scope for activities that interact
with a webpage
• Attach Browser Activity
• A container that enables you to attach to an already
opened browser and perform multiple actions within
What is the difference between primary key and foreign key?
Primary key
○ Unique identifier for a row in a table
○ In implementation we choose one candidate key to identify the row
Foreign Key
○ A set of columns which hold the values of some primary key to establish a relationship to another row
These are the full names for the 4 dialects.
What is
DDL – Data Definition Language.
DML – Data Manipulation Language.
DCL – Data Control Language.
TCL - Transition Control Language
Elements that clearly describe their meaning in
a human readable way
What is a Semantic elements
Its a type of polymorphism where you can have collections that operate the same way regardless of the type it is storing. It is also the way you access elements of a list that doesn't change if you have a lost of integers or strings
What is generics