These are all over a reptiles body
What happens when a lizard loses it's tail
regenerates or grows a new one.
What is it called when a gecko or snake sheds it skin
Animals that start living in the water and then go on land
What type of animal are amphibians closely related to
True or False- Reptiles hatch from their eggs as mini versions of an adult.
What is the heaviest and largest species of snake in the world called
green anaconda
when all of one kind of organism is gone forever
Salamanders have what type of skin
What does the word "amphibian" mean
"to live a double life"
A turtle, tortoise, snake, gecko, lizard, crocodile, and alligator are
What do snakes use their tongues for
to smell the environment
The ability for a reptile of amphibian to change its skin color
Tadpoles ____________ their tails as a source of nutrition during metamorphosis.
What type os habitats are most amphibians most often found- freshwater or saltwater
a species that may become extinct
In what unusual way does a horned lizard protect itself
It squirts blood out of its eyes
What is the fluid inside a snakes fangs called
Reptiles and Amphibians are both what types of animals- (think temp)
True or False- Amphibians hatchlings look like mini adults.
False- Most amphibians undergo metamorphosis, during which they change from an aquatic animal that breathes through gills to an adult that may have gills or lungs, depending on the species.
What is another name for the Komodo Dragon
a Monitor Lizard
go into a deep sleep during winter months
Snakes and crocodiles are reptiles because they have what 2 things?
lungs and scales
The process that takes place as a tadpole changes into a frog
What does it mean when you come across a frog that has bright colors?
warning coloration- the frog is poisonous