Back to the Basics
True or False
On the phone
What is the process?

What is Quickbox (QB)? 

It is our fulfillment provider. 

When cancelling an order, we always want to check if an order has been fulfilled. QB is more accurate than shopify so cancel an order in QB before you cancel in shopify. 


True or False: If a Cx's pet died, I can give them a full refund without returning the product. 


We care about their pet family. If they would like to return the product, we will let them. It is 100 percent optional.. 


What two scripted portions of a call do we require? And what must they include? 

Intro & Outro 

Intro: Hi this is ________ from {Brand}

Outro: Is there anything else I can help with? 

Thank you for calling {Brand}


Can I change a Cx's billing address? 

Yes, only in subscriptions in the new sub tool. 


What do you do for recreating an order? 

Recreate order in shopify (using 100 percent discount)

Put in backend request for recreating an order. 


A Cx calls to cancel her subscription. What retention tools can you offer to Cx to keep their subscription? 

Where would you find this information? 

Pausing their subscription

Changing the frequency of their subscription

Offering expedited shipping/ push list 

Voucher for Cx to keep subscription for a few more months. 

You would find this information in the Solutions Development excel sheet under the tab "Retention Tools" 


True or False: Zendesk is where all of the company email addresses funnel to. 



If I need to transfer a call to another agent, what do I change my Talkdesk status to? 

"awaiting transfer"


What are the three subscription services and where are they found? 

Amplify: Login with the login from the training ppt

Recharge: Found on shopify under Apps

Dashboard: Login using your given login


Cx calls in about 4 charges on her card, but she only ordered 2 things. You check her profile in shopify, and only find two charges. What is the process? 

Request for a charge verification for 2 of the charges using the correct template (NOG charges), and put REFUND as the option. 

Tell the Cx you will call them back once the charges are found, and then we can refund them. Take a note to check the chat. 

If the charges are found, Hannah refunded them, and you can call the Cx back to let them know that refunds take approximately 7 days.

If the charges are not found, then ask the Cx to email a picture of the charges to 


A Cx wants to return a product for a refund. What retention tools can you use to get the Cx to keep the product? 

Up to 40 percent off to keep that product, and Cx will not have to go to the post office. 

Above 40 percent, you can ask for manager approval. (If the Cx has extenuating circumstances, are escalated, or we made multiple mistakes on our end.) 


True or False: When I refund an order in shopify, it fully refunds the Cx. 

False. You must put in a backend request for a refund in order for that Cx to actually see a refund. 


When should I transfer a call to a supervisor? 

If a Cx asks to speak with a supervisor, wants to file a complaint about another agent, or if the Cx will not accept the discounts you can give them and are very escalated. 


Do I request for a return label, and a refund at the same time? 

Not usually. We only issue the refund once we have return tracking information unless it is a pet died/system error situation. 


Cx calls in about their subscription. You attempt to save them, but the Cx refuses. You cancel the subscription in amplify. You write notes in the Cx profile. Did you miss something? 

Check on the Cx's most recent order (MRO). If it is out for delivery, the Cx will be really upset once they receive that in the mail. Try to save the MRO, and if not then cancel (if you can) or issue a return label in the chat. 

Log your sub cancel in "Petlab US Weekly" database


What is the process for cancelling an order? 

Check Quickbox (QB) to see if you can cancel the order. If you can't, REFRESH THE PAGE/CHECK THE BRAND, and try again. Cancel in QB

Cancel in shopify by going to "More Actions", and clicking cancel which will refund the Cx. 

Request a refund in the request channel using Request templates google doc. 

Notate in the Cx profile with the reason for cancelling, and that a request for refund was made. 


True or False: What request template do I use, if I am not able to find a subscription for a Cx (when shopify shows a subscription)? 

Request Template Dev issue > dev issue chat


What tasks do you have to do on the computer, if a Cx wants to return a product to receive a refund? 

Back end request for return label (RL) using RL request template

Notate on the most recent order of the Cx that you requested a return label

Tell Cx that they must call back with the tracking number in order for us to process refund.



What should I do if a Cx returned a product to us, and they do not have tracking? 

Check the return logs. If Cx does not have tracking, we can't refund them. 

If the Cx is escalated,you can check Zendesk for the tracking from the RL. 


Cx calls about not receiving their package. You check their address, and it is incorrect. You change it on their Cx profile, and recreate the order in shopify. You discount the order 100 percent. You notate in the profile. Did you miss anything? 

Yes, you have to send in a request to recreate order in the backend request channel using the recreate order template.  If the order has a major delay, use the exp shipping/push list template. 


If I can't find a subscription in amplify, what should I do? 

Refresh the page. Change "current year" to "last year" . Refresh. Change "last year" to "current year". 

Check our other two subscription tools for the order. 

Pro tip: Use the sub code on Shopify if the Cx has the code under "Notes" in the right had section of an order. Paste this into the "ID" section. 


True or False: Does shopify always communicate with Quickbox (QB)? 

No. It does not so please be careful when trusting Shopify. 


When a Cx tells you their pet died, how should an agent respond? 

I am so sorry for your loss. We will fix that for you. 

(or something along those lines) Please don't leave the Cx with silence. 


What request channel should you use if a Cx wants a confirmation email sent to them? 



Cx calls to cancel their subscription, and there is no subscription found in all 3 tools and you have refreshed accordingly.  You request for subscription to be cancelled using a dev issue request template. You notate on the Cx profile. Did you miss anything? 

No you did not.