Name the Year
Name the creator
Artist's do
Cartoon Characters
Russian Blue best describes a type of ---?----- a- Sky in Moscow b- cat c- drink
What is b- is a shade of gray
Pablo Picasso was born... A-1776 B-1881 C-1981 May 21 – The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton.
What is B-1881
Batman a-Bob Kane b- Vincent van Gogh c- Jerry Siegel
What is Bob Kane
He uses a throwing wheel, slip, and clay...
What is a potter
Girl power times three. Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup keep Townsville, USA safe from evil
Who are The Powerpuff Girls
Prussian Blue is.. a- a color b- a cat..c- a drink
What is Prussian Blue It's a dark blue AKA Milori blue, iron blue, Berlin blue
when was the Mona Lisa painting by DaVinci started?? a- 1876 b-1900 c-1505 Bermuda is discovered by Spanish explorer Juan de Bermúdez.
What is c-1505
Superman a- Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, b- Tom and Jerry c- Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle
Who are Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster,
She uses a spinning wheel, a loom, and yarn...
Who is a weaver
She is the bossy, spoiled toddler from Rugrats. She is the most familiar character from Rugrats, but possibly only because she is the meanest and talks the most (she's older than the babies).
Who is Angelica Pickles
Maroon is a color that's hue is a-green b-yellow c- brown
What is c- brown.....It is of dark brownish to dark red shade. A medium shade of maroon halfway between red and rose.
When was Georges-Pierre Seurat born? ( He found an artistic movement, called variously Neo-Impressionism, Pointillism or Divisionism, the last term preferred by Seurat. ) a- 1700 b- 1859 c-1959 The first intercollegiate baseball game is played, between Amherst and Williams Colleges.
What is 1859
"The Scream "...... a- Edvard Munch b- George Hopper C- Simon Chipmonk
Who is Edvard Munch,
He uses a computer, digital camera, and looks for interesting "shots"
What is a photographer
This character inspires a tune in your head as soon as you see him, this one in a jazzy saxophone. He is associated with Inspector Clouseau
Who is The Pink Panther
the color lime has the hue of??? a- Blue b- Red c- Green
What is c- Green
The New York World's Fair a-1888 b- 1939 & 1964 c-2001
What is b- 1939 & 1964
Campbell's Soup Cans (1962)
Who is Andy Warhol
She uses engraving tools, casting tools, metal, stones, and buffs
What is a jeweler
The most recognizable and famous cartoon character. "What's up, doc?"
Who is Bugs Bunny
Burgundy is of this hue.. a- yellow b- brown c- red
What is c- Red (sometimes wine red or simply wine) is a shade of purplish red associated with the Burgundy wine of the same name, which in turn is named after the Burgundy region of France. It is similar to maroon. Maroon is browner
Television was first shown to the public in America A-1930 B-1939 C- 1945 HINT- the number digits add up to 22
What is April of nineteen thirty-nine ( 1939) at the New York's World's Fair.
Who painted The Four Freedoms... a- Norman Rockwell b- Jasper Johns c- Desi Arnez ( one is a pop artist, one is a television star, ..The correct one worked for "The Saturday Evening Post" Magazine
What is a- Norman Rockwell
He uses a lawnmower, chalk, stencils, logo's, giant sized alphabet letters,flags.....Hint- TOUCHDOWN!! Hint #2 End Zone
What is a stadium groundskeeper
This cartoon has endured for almost a decade, becoming more famous than its Nickelodeon fellows...... Pineapples, snails and fast food were never so funny. Arrrrrr!
What is SpongeBob SquarePants