Career Theories
Career Terminology
Theory to Theorist
Types of Career Assessments
This theory involves the CASVE cycle for career development.
What is the Cognitive Information Processing Approach (CIP)?
A term that refers to the shaping and creating of one's career choices through decision making, values, life role self-concepts, and career patterns.
What is career development?
What is the National Vocational Guidance Association.
The NVGA stands for
This person developed the career development theory based on the trait theory that involves congruence, consistency, differentiation, and vocational identity.
Who is John Holland?
These are formal or informal instruments to collect data about a client.
What is an assessment?
This theory involves life themes and increased personal control over future aspirations.
What is Career Construction Theory?
This involves career activities that empower people to cope with career development through individual and group counseling along with versitile programs?
What are career development interventions?
This association provides professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators, career counselors who inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals.
What is the National Career Development Association (NCDA)?
This theorist developed two parts to the theory that involves both social and learning for career development?
Who is John Krumboltz?
These are the ethical guidelines that career counselors should use developed by the American Education Research Association, APA, and the National Council of Measurement in Education.
What are Code of Fair Testing Practices?
This theory uses Bandura's social cognitive theory of personal attibutes, the environment and behaviors.
What is Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)?
There are the 3 support systems that career counselors can provide which include
What are emotional, informational, and assessment supports?
This association in 1989 revealed that a significant percentage of Americans (39%) did not have a career plan, and a larger % around (69%) did not know how to make informed career choices.
Who is the National Career Development Association (NCDA)?
This person is the founder of "true reasoning" as referred to occupational decision making?
Who is Frank Parsons?
This assessment is designed to measure how much ready a student is to make a career decision.
What is Career Maturity Inventory?
This theory involves a life span, life space approach to career development.
What is Super's theory?
Protecting, listening, empowering, enquiring, acknowledging, supporting, and exchanging.
What does the acronym PLEASE stands for?
The name of the publication for the NCDA is called
What is the Career Development Quarterly?
This person developed the theory that includes differential, developmental, and dynamic perspectives of careers?
Who is Mark Savickas?
This assessment provides a Holland code and eight different areas of occupations, school subjects, activities, leisure activities, types of coworkers to work with, personal characteristics, world to work preferences, and preference between two activities.
What is Strong Interest Inventory?
A theory that has 6 tasks that focuses on life planning emphasizing connectedness, wholesness, and community.
What is the Integrative Life Planning (ILP) theory?
These are unplanned and desirable events that Krumboltz theory incorporates.
What is planned happenstance?
This association is a part of the elementary, middle, or high school counselors.
What is the American School Counseling Association (ASCA)?
This person developed the theory in regards to early childhood developments and is a personality theory.
Who is Ann Roe?
This combination of skills and interests assessment that was published by the U.S. Department of Defense to measure 10 areas for high school students to adults for admissions and various military specialities.
What is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)?