What tool/UI is commonly used to displays your Soft Caps/Hard Caps?
Which metric is inclusive of loss to TROE + Station caps?
Customer: my packages this week are coming from 2 different delivery stations. I see DBK1 and DBK4 on the top left corner of my package.
What was done to avoid speed impact to customer?
Overlapping Jurisdiction
How often is the MTP plan Published & how long of a horizon?
Weekly & Published out to +13 Weeks
What tool does UTR PPT use for capacity planning?
What metric is measured at zip5, daily level and aggregated to station level in UVP?
FTG (fall to ground)
Customer: I went to go order airpods on amazon this morning but they wont be delivered until 3 days from now.
What is the site likely accumulating that is resulting in customer to have delayed speed?
Capped out Hours
What is the acronym of the volume signal MTP consumes?
TVA - Total volume attainable
the forecasted induct volume for a station at daily granularity exclusive of capacity constraints.
What tool does S&OP use to execute Jurisdiction changes or overlapping jurisdiction?
Jurisdiction Planner
Which team generate topline and how often is it published?
SCOT (supply chain optimization team) & every 2 weeks
Customer: I went to go order airpods on amazon this morning but they wont be delivered until 3 days from now.
2 hours later... I checked again and amazon can now deliver to me tomorrow?
What did the site do to increase speed for customer?
Increase/Raise Caps
What is the metric output generated that measures the average number of delivery stops a driver makes on a single delivery route.
SPR (Stops Per Route)
What is the OTR capacity signal locked in W-3 MTP publish?
Okami routes
What Tool does COSM (Central Operations) use to configure the jurisdiction changes/overlapping Jurisdictions?
JAS (Jurisdiction Authority Services)
What is the component of FTG that accounts for a time or times a year demand may change. Example: a higher demand in the summer in the Hampton's.
Customer: I like ordering from amazon but my packages always go missing. I am going to start shopping In-store at Target instead.
The above will result in?
Attainment Loss
Which metric is an INPUT to MTP that can constrain your TVA?
Which quicksight has capacity ask/caps target/DUCT/UTR + OTR capacity all in one view. Commonly used by both S&OP + Ops
IPT 2.0 Integrated Planning Tool
What converts inducted units into into inducted packages forecast?
UPB (units per box)
What capacity was used to deliver this customers package?
Flex Capacity
Which metric is an OUTPUT of MTP that can constrain your TVA?
ROBL reduction