August 1793
Medical Care

To impose isolation on a person, animal, or place

What is the definition of quarantine?


As I continued my presidency, In November 1993, I moved my cabinet and my wife, Martha, to Germantown where I continued to conduct business. It was difficult for me to conduct business since I had left my paperwork in Philadelphia.

Who was President George Washington?


What was used in Central American to kill mosquitoes and their eggs?

What is DDT?


Manure, spoiled coffee, foul smell of dead animals, and stench

What did Philadelphia smell like?


People did this to their homes to prevent spreading of the disease

 rubbing essential oils, vinegar, dirt on floors, gun powder 

A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
What is the definition of epidemic?

I was the first one to identify yellow fever in Philadelphia. Even though I became ill with the disease, I continued to aggressively treat patients.

Who was Dr. Benjamin Rush?


There is no cure for this disease. The symptoms are fever, vomiting, diarrhea, yellow tinted skin and eyes, and most times death.

What is yellow fever?


the number of patients in chapter 6 Dr. Rush said he was learning had died every morning a. 3-4 b. 4-5 c. 2-3 d. 6-7

What is 3-4?


This organized group put their own lives at risk to bury the dead, nurse the sick, and help in many other ways. It was falsely believe they could not get yellow fever.

What was the Free African Society?


To drain large amounts of blood from a body

What is the definition of to bleed or bloodletting?


I resigned as Secretary of State because of my strong views against the Proclamation of Neutrality. I was a founding father and later became the nation's third president.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


This disease is transmitted by a female mosquito and people are still dying from it today. It is commonly associated with poverty and has a major negative effect on economic development in Africa.

What is malaria?


number of people who died from the plague on October 7 a. 84 b. 82 c. 92 d. 98

What is 82?

The mansion became the city's hospital. It went from being a dreadful place for dying to a clean, orderly place of recovery.
What was Bush Hill?


The American city that was the epicenter of the Yellow Fever epidemic in 1793.


When all other government officials left, I continued to act as mayor and tried to help Philadelphia deal with this terrible crisis.

Who was Mayor Matthew Clarkson?

It is the number one disease of the 20th century. There is concern it might some day be used in biological warfare.
What is small pox?

patients who sought out Dr. Rush after he seemed to be cured of yellow fever, in one day a. 100 b. 150 c. 75 d. 200

What is 150?

Swallowing about 1/3 ounce of mercury and 1/3 ounce of jalap to produce extreme vomiting and diarrhea
What was Rush's "Ten and Ten" treatment?

A small, insect that can transmit diseases like Yellow Fever.



Along with a fellow religious leader, Richard Allen, I started the Free African Society.

Who was Absalom Jones?


This disease is spread from rodents to fleas to people to each other. Killed millions in Europe.

What is Black Death ?


A French sailor at Richard Denny's boarding house on North Street

Who was the first person to die in Philadelphia's yellow fever epidemic?


patients who sought out Dr. Rush after he seemed to be cured of yellow fever, in one day a. 100 b. 150 c. 75 d. 200

What is 150?