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Louis made this many films in 1895

What is 60?


What covered the noise of the apparatus and filled the gap between films while the operator rethreaded?

What is piano music?


This did not seem to have been encouraged (except for camera movement) amongst the operators that Louis Lumière trained to take over his film duties across the world.

What is innovation?


In 1896 this many cinematagraphs arrived and Louis Lumiere trained a group of operators to eventually go around the world.

What is 200?


The Lumieres’ biggest competitor in the film market.

Who is Edison?


The most structured early lumiere film

What is Waterer and Watered (Le Jardinier et le petit epiegle)?


His signature compositional technique that suggested depth to oncoming objects.

What is the Lumière diagonal?


This film features a stand-still camera facing the Lumière factory doors.

What is Sortie d’usine?


It was here where the Lumière organization first exhibited the Cinématographe

What is Châtelet?


After the Lumieres’ success, French cinema moved here.

What is in Paris?


The four basic types of films Melies made

What were narratives, straight performance films, Lumiere-style views and phony newsreels?


What does Marshall Deutelbaum mean when he argues that Lumière’s films are “structurally patterned”?

What is well rehearsed and orderly?


This film was 110 meters long, composed of six scenes, each of which was a single shot.

What is Histoire d’un crime?


 It was said that Georges Méliès offered this many francs to buy a Cinématograph from the Lumières.

What is 10,000 francs?


After 1896 Louis Lumiere ceased making films and became this.

What is a movie producer?


The first science fiction film.

What is Melies’ Le Voyage dans la lune?


What was unique about Lumière’s Arroseur et Arrosé?

What is instead of two repetitive sections, Lumière pieces two parts together where the second depends on what happened in the first.


Rare are the films, such as this, are shot head-on, so as to enhance horizontal and vertical elements only.

What is Partie d’écarté?


This clan operated their Giant Cinématographe, a portable theatre complete with organ, “parade” stage and an auditorium.

Who is the Kobelkoff clan?


These three brothers came after Melies and were very successful in selling film equipment.

Who are the Pathe brothers?


Apart from borrowing from other filmmakers (including Lumieres), he proceeded to systematically adapt and transform material from other media.

Who is Zecca?


How did Lumière produce consistently high quality pictures?

What is he took several “takes” where he experimented to find the perfect balance of lighting and exposure.


This strong French tradition had to do with the movement of the image and its ability to remain on the screen.

What is the integrity of the shot?


After selling counterfeit Kinetoscopes in 1895, he together with Henri Joseph Joly created an apparatus like the Lumière Cinematographie and begun to make films.

Who is Charles Pathé?