General Concepts
Preparation & Practice
Delivery & Performance
Debate-Specific Skills

What is the primary purpose of a speech?

The primary purpose of a speech is to communicate a message to an audience, whether to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire.


Why is it important to research your topic before a debate?

Researching ensures you have accurate information and strong arguments, helping you to effectively support your position and respond to opposing points.


What role does body language play in public speaking?

Body language helps convey confidence, engage the audience, and reinforce the message through gestures, eye contact, and posture.


How does debate differ from a regular conversation?

Debate is a structured argument where participants present and defend their viewpoints on a specific issue, often with rules and a moderator, while regular conversation is more informal and free-flowing.


Who are the current candidates running for president in the United States? Name their respective parties, too!

Kamala Harris (D) and Donald Trump (R)


What are some common types of speeches people give?

Common types include informative speeches, persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches, and ceremonial speeches.


How can you effectively structure a debate argument?

Structure your argument with a clear claim, supported by evidence and reasoning, and anticipate counterarguments.


How does organizing your speech into an introduction, body, and conclusion help?

It provides a clear structure, making your speech easier to follow and helping you present your ideas logically.


What skills are most important for delivering a persuasive speech?

Important skills include clear articulation, strong argumentation, good organization, effective use of evidence, and engaging delivery.


Name 3 countries where Ms. Colbee has lived

Spain, U.A.E., Colombia, Guatemala


Why is it important to consider your audience when preparing a speech?

Understanding your audience helps tailor your message to their interests, level of understanding, and preferences, making it more effective.


How does practicing your speech help improve your delivery?

Practicing helps you become more familiar with your content, improves your confidence, and allows you to refine your timing and delivery.


How can you use storytelling to enhance your speech?

Storytelling makes your speech more engaging, relatable, and memorable by illustrating your points with real-life examples or anecdotes.


What is the purpose of a rebuttal in a debate?

A rebuttal is used to counter the opponent’s arguments, weaken their position, and reinforce your own argument.


Name 2 singers from Colombia

Feid, Shakira, Karol G, etc. 


What are the benefits of participating in speech and debate activities?

Benefits include improved communication skills, critical thinking, confidence, and the ability to engage in structured argumentation.


What are some strategies for managing nervousness before speaking in public?

Practice regularly, use relaxation techniques, visualize success, and focus on the message rather than your anxiety.


How does listening to your opponent’s arguments contribute to a successful debate?

It allows you to address their points directly, strengthen your rebuttals, and adapt your arguments based on their responses.


What does the term "counterargument" mean in the context of a debate?

A counterargument is a claim or set of reasons put forward to oppose or refute the arguments made by the opposing side. It is intended to challenge the validity of the opponent’s points and strengthen your own position.


What is the capital of Morocco?



Name one thing you should NOT do when writing a speech! 

Use Wikepedia, lie, forget to write the speech, etc. 


Where should you get your evidence and/or statistics from when writing a speech or participating in a debate?

Credible, scholarly sources!


How can you handle questions from the audience during or after your speech?

Listen carefully to each question, respond clearly and confidently, and if you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to admit it and offer to follow up later.


What is meant by the term "fallacy," and how should it be handled in a debate?

A fallacy is a misleading or erroneous argument or reasoning that undermines the logical validity of an argument. In a debate, recognizing and pointing out fallacies in the opponent's arguments helps to highlight weaknesses and strengthen your own argument by focusing on sound reasoning and evidence.

What is the name of Ms. Colbee´s dog?
