Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure

True or False 

Leg pain can be a sign for Heart Disease.

True- Leg pain felt in the muscles could be a sign of a condition called peripheral- artery disease.


What food should you avoid to prevent Diabetes?

a. Broccoli 

b. Sushi

c. Fish and Chips

c. Fish & Chips. Although fish itself is really healthy and a great choice for diabetics the breaded and deep fried varieties are not. Breaded and deep fried means carbs, sodium, and saturated fat.


What is a cause of Cholesterol?

a. Excessive Cardio

b. Being Inactive

c. Meditating 

b. Being Inactive.- Good cholesterol exists but lack of physical activity decreases our levels of good cholesterol that our body needs to fight bad cholesterol.


What is a symptom of High Blood Pressure?

a. Nausea

b. Anxious 

c. Severe Headache

c. Severe/ Sudden Headache. A sudden and severe headache can sometimes be the first sign of high blood pressure.


What would be a healthier choice?

A Quarter Pounder or a Grilled Chicken Sandwich?

A Grilled Chicken Sandwich


What food should you avoid to prevent Heart Disease?

a. Canned Soup 

b. Grilled Chicken 

c. Almonds

a. Canned Soup. A person should consume no more then 1,500mg of sodium per day. Canned soup can have upwards of 1,000+ per serving.


What food should you avoid to prevent Diabetes?

a. Leafy Greens 

b. 6" Cold Cut Sandwich

c. Turkey Lasagna


b. 6” Cold Cut Sandwich. Deli meat is full of massive amounts of sodium and fat making them bad for diabetics.  Unless marked as low sodium you should assume it is not. 


What food should you avoid to prevent Cholesterol?

a. Bagel with cream cheese 

b. 3 Oatmeal cookies

c. Carrots

a. Bagel w/ Cream Cheese - Cream cheese is delicious when it's spread on a bagel for breakfast, but just 1 oz of cream cheese contains a whopping 27 mg of cholesterol. When the actual serving size that most people put on their bagel is totaled, it can add up to a very large percentage of the recommended daily allowance of cholesterol.


What food should you avoid to prevent High Blood Pressure?

a. Spaghetti

b. Ramen Noodles

c. Pumpkin Seeds

b. Ramen Noodle’s. Ramen Noodles are popular among college students, but they are not a healthy meal. One package of Ramen noodles adds 14 grams of fat to your day AND 1580 MG of sodium! Interestingly, it is actually the flavor packet that contains most of that sodium.


what  is a Calorie?

A Calorie is a unit of energy used to measure food. 


What food should you avoid to prevent Heart Disease?

a. Soft Drinks

b. Cow Milk

c. Lemonade  

a. Sugary Drinks. Sugary drinks have all the same ill effects on the heart as highly refined and processed carbohydrates which have all healthful components stripped from them.


What is a symptom of Diabetes?

a. Lack of Hunger 

b. Extremely Tired

c. Daydreaming 

a. Extremely tiredness. Extremely tiredness occurs when a diabetic has too high or too low blood sugar level. This means there is insufficient insulin to help glucose into our cells to be used as energy.


True or False 

When looking at a food label 0mg of Cholesterol means this is a Heart Healthy option!

False – Most times foods with 0mg of cholesterol have something else that is really measured sky-high like sodium or saturated fat. Don’t be fooled and look at that as well.


What is a symptom of High Blood Pressure?

a. Confusion 

b. Diarrhea

c. Excitement 

a. Confusion. Confusion and disorientation occurs when Blood Pressure spikes causing a decline in mental function.


If you are feeling tired, what should you eat?

a. Cup Noodles soup

b. Apple

c. Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino 

b. Apple. Apples contain Vitamin C and B and Potassium to give you the much needed boost. 


What is a symptom of Heart Disease?

a. Heart Beating Slowly 

b. Sweating

c. Hot Flashes

b. Sweating occurs due to sympathetic nervous system kicking into gear with a “Fight or Flight” response. System starts working harder to give body more energy. It’s like your system beginning this rigorous cardio routine to keep you going.


True or False

If you eat healthy you can keep your diabetes under control.

False - Sometimes eating healthy fruits and grains can cause high blood glucose. Even natural sugar should be consumed with -precaution.


What is a cause of Cholesterol?

a. Family History 

b. Anemia

c. Common Cold

a. Family History. Family History of cholesterol can have an effect in a young person’s cholesterol inheritance. Familial hyperlipidemia can lead to dangerously high blood cholesterol, which can be difficult to control. However, high cholesterol levels can be kept at bay with diet and medication.


True or False 

My doctor measured my Blood Pressure and it was really low. That is great news!

False - Too low of Blood Pressure- can cause a person to be really dizzy, faint, or even go into a state of shock.


What is one of the nutritional label we must be careful with?

a. Sodium

b. Vitamin

c. Total Carbohydrates

a. Sodium. Sodium (Salt) intake above 2,000mg per day is associated with high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease (such as Heart Disease and Stroke). 


What is a symptom of Heart Disease?

a. Vomiting

b. Nausea

c. Headaches

b. Nausea occurs during first signs of Heart Disease usually as a result of the shortness of breath some people can begin to feel nausea.


What is a symptom of Diabetes?

a. Very Thirsty 

b. High Fevers

c. Too much energy

a. Thirsty Diabetics experience increased thirst do to the shortage of the hormone that regulates water flow by the kidneys.


What food should you avoid to prevent Cholesterol?

a. Lentil Soup

b. Turkey Burger

c. Shrimp Cocktail

c. Shrimp Cocktail. Shrimp is a puzzling food for people watching their diet, since it is very low in fat but very high in cholesterol. The key with eating shrimp appears to be moderation. One serving size of shrimp can have up to 65% of the daily recommended amount


What food should you avoid to prevent High Blood Pressure?

a. Pickles

b. Peanut Butter 

c. Celery

a. Pickles. Pickles are low Calorie, which is great, but they are loaded with sodium. One medium pickle (about 5 inches long) can have around 570 mg of sodium. That's over 1/3 of your sodium limit for the day


If you ate 1 serving recommended from a bag of Takis, how long would you need to run for to burn the Calories?

a. 5 mins

b. 8 mins

c. 14 mins

c. 14 mins. You would need to run for 14 minutes to burn the Calories!