Energy systems
Anaerobic training 1
Anaerobic training 2
Anaerobic training 3
Anaerobic training 4
True or false lactic acid is a by-product of one of the two dominant energy systems in anaerobic training?
TRUE, Lactic acid is a by-product of the lactic acid energy system.
Which form of anaerobic training last 1-2minutes?
Long anaerobic training last 1-2 minutes
What are the three different types of anaerobic interval training?
The three types of anaerobic training are; short anaerobic training, medium anaerobic training and long anaerobic training.
What should the duration of anaerobic training exercises be? A: more than 3 minutes B: less than 1 minute C: less than 2 minutes D: more than 30 minutes
C: less than 2 minutes
what should the duration of a short anaerobic training session be?
Less than 25 seconds
How long does it take Creatine Phosphate (CP) to re-synthesise at rest?
Creatine Phosphate (CP) supplies resynthesise fully within 2 resting minutes
What are the three main characteristics of anaerobic training??
The three main characteristics of anaerobic training are high intensity, short duration and limited recovery time.
What are the rest periods in anaerobic interval training referred to as?
The rest periods in anaerobic training are also referred to as the relief interval.
What do the rest periods in anaerobic interval training usually consist of?
The rest periods in anaerobic training sessions usually consist of; light jogging, static and dynamic stretches and walking.
Which sport would anaerobic training NOT be a useful training method for? A: 100 meter sprint B: Marathon races C: Netball B: High jump (Athletics)
B: Marathon races
What are the two dominating energy systems used in anaerobic exercise?
Alactacid (ATP/PC) and lactic acid
An athlete undergoing medium anaerobic training is most likely to be working at: A: 50% Max HR B: 75% Max HR C: 95% Max RH D: 85% Max HR
D: 85% Max HR
What is the general work to rest ratio for anaerobic training?
The rest to work ratio is 1:3, meaning for every 10 seconds you work you rest for 30 seconds. Resting however may include walking, stretching or even a light jog.
How does Adenosine Triphosphate release energy?
Energy is released when one of the high energy bonds that are connecting the three Phosphate molecules to the Adenosine molecule is broken.
What is the work to rest ratio for long anaerobic training ?
The work to rest ration for long anaerobic training is 1:1, this meaning for every 10 seconds of work you do do you get 10 seconds of rest.
What is the main source of fuel for the lactic acid energy system and what is its stored name?
The main source of fuel for the lactic acid system is glucose, which is glycogen in its stored form.
Define Anaerobic respiration.
Anaerobic respiration is simply respiration without the presence of oxygen. The lack of oxygen means muscle fibers have to derive their energy from stored substrates like glycogen (stored form of glucose), ATP and CP.
How many repetition at 85%-90% maximum heart rate are needed to make this type of anaerobic interval training effective?
4-6 repetitions are needed to make long anaerobic training (training at 85%-90% MHR) effective.
What are the benefits of Anaerobic training?
Anaerobic training allows athletes to: ◾Perform at a higher intensity over a specific distance, ◾Maintain a high intensity for a longer period of time ◾Maintain either the same or a higher intensity over a further distance
Define the lactic threshold?
The lactate threshold is the exercise intensity in which lactic acid rapidly begins too accumulate in the blood to the point in which deterioration in performance is evident.
How does lactic acid cause fatigue?
Lactic acid accumulates within the muscles preventing the muscle fibers from contracting leading to deterioration in performance.Lactic acid separates into two components being hydrogen ions and lactate ions. The hydrogen ion is the one in which impairs performance where as the lactate does quite the opposite. The lactate ion can be used as a source of fuel in which is preferred by the body due to its easy removal.
What is the effectiveness of using repetitions in anaerobic interval training?
Intervals are performed in sets of repetitions that are designed to overload the anaerobic energy systems. Maximal effort repetitions are designed to improve the ATP-PC system, whereas slightly longer repetitions with shorter breaks aim to improve the body’s tolerance to lactic acid and strengthens its ability to be removed from the body between repetitions and sets.
Why can a trained athlete hit there lactic threshold at roughly 20 mmol/L or blood when an untrained athlete reaches the lactic threshold at around 4 mmol/L per liter of blood?
The reason well trained athletes hit their lactic threshold at a much larger volume of lactic acid per liter of blood is due to undergoing anaerobic training. This is because anaerobic training increases the body's tolerance to lactic acid levels delaying the deterioration of performance.
How can an athlete estimate there lactic threshold?
Lactic thresholds can be tested by an athletes undergoing exercise at maximum effort for 30 minutes. The lactic threshold is measured by recording the average heart rate each minute commencing 10 minutes into the session. The average heart rate corresponds with lactate threshold, this figure is the estimated heart rate that the lactic threshold is reached.
What is the aim of Anaerobic training?
The aim of anaerobic training is to overload the ATP/PC and lactic acid energy systems, to build up a resistance and improve the effectiveness of both systems.