What is the function of the circulatory system?
Transports materials throughout the body
what is the function of the respiratory system?
To exchange gases(oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the body and its surroundings.
what is the function of the Digestive system?
it breaks down food for nutrients (glucose and ATP)
what is the function of the Endocrine system?
controls communication of different body parts through chemical signals and produces secretes hormones
what is the function of the nervous system?
controls communication of different body parts through electric signals.
what organ is used to pump blood to the rest of the body?
The heart
how does the process breathing work?
The physical process where you Inhale and exhale air in and out of your lungs
what is mechanical digesting?
Physically breaking down of food (chewing,cutting)
what are hormones?
A chemical substance/messenger produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells/organs.
what is the stimuli?
A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue
During the circulatory system what is blood referred as?
The blood is both a fluid and tissue that contains red and white blood cells, Platelets and Plasma
what is respiration?
A chemical reaction where oxygen is used to breakdown glucose in order to create ATP (energy).
what is chemical digesting?
Breaking down food into simpler nutrients
what are receptor molecules?
specifically shaped protein molecules on the cell mem. that receive chemical messages from other cells
Is the spiral cord apart of the nervous system?
What is Plasma?
the liquid part of blood that is made of water, salts & proteins.
where does gas exchange occur? through which process?
in alveoli, through the process of diffusion
what are the small intestine responsible for?
the absorption of nutrients from the digest chyme.
what is the target cell?
its a cell that the hormone is trying to attach itself too.
what does CNS stand for in the Nerv. system? And what does it do?
Central Nervous system and it response to stimuli and give orders to the body
why does your heart best faster when you exercise?
In order to supply you body/cells with more oxygen and glucose to make more ATP.
what is the pharynx
a section of the throat where the back of the mouth and nose combine
What is nutrient Absorption?
nutrients are diffused into the bloodstream and gets transported around the body through the care system
what is the relationship of the Endocrine/circulatory system?
the Endo. system produces hormones and the cir. system is responsible to transport the hormones to the target cell.
What does PNS stand for in the Nerv. system? And what does it do?
Peripheral nervous system sends nerve signals throughout the body