did Anakin change to the name Darth Vader before or after I gotta the sut
What is the name of the actor the plays Anakin Skywalker
Hayden Christensen
What limb did Anakin get cut off during the Clone Wars
His right arm
is Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala related
What was Anakin's nickname as a child
on What planet did Darth Vader lose to obi-wan Kenobi for the first time
on Mustafar
Who was the first Jedi Anakin killed
gate Master Jurokk
Who was anakin's Apprentice during the Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano
What is the names of Anakin and Padme kids
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa
Anakin was a s.... until he was 9
Anakin was a slave until he was 9
What does Darth Vader Mean
Darth = dark + death
Vader = father
what original star wars movies this Anakin Skywalker not appear in
Episode IV—A New Hope) Episode V—The Empire Strikes Back
Who was anakin's worst enemy during the Clone Wars
Count Dooku
how did padme amidala die
she lost the will To liv
Who was the first Jedi Anakin meet
kuri gon jinn
When is the first time we hear the iconic Empire music
episode lll Empire Strikes Back
how old was Anakin Skywalker when he died
45 years old
What clown was Anakin's best friend
captain Rex of the 501st Battalion
how old was Anakin and padme when they first met
Anakin Skywalker was 9 years old
Padme Amidala was 14 years old
What is the name of Anakin's mom
Shmi Skywalker
How many years did Anakin spend as Darth Vader
23 years
Who gave Anakin the Scar he has over His Eye
Asajj Ventress
How many times did Anakin save obi-wan doing the clown word
10 times
When Anakin and Padme got married they didn't get a ring, inst they traded .....
they traded druids
Anakin got R2-D2
Padme got C-3PO
What planet was Anakin born on