Inferential Statistics
Dealing With Data
Key Terms
Results with One Variables & Results with Two Variables
More than Two Variables
What Type of Technique deals with correlation, percentage table, and chi-square?
What is Bivariate?
In the grid, each row represents a respondent, participant, or case. In computer terminology, these are called ____ _______.
What is data records?
What is a mode?
What is a measure of central tendency for one variable that indicates the most frequent or common score?
________ is the branch of applied mathematics we use to manipulate and summarize the features of numbers
What is Statistics?
If I give the statement “People with higher levels of education have higher levels of income” what concept does this refer to?
What is Covariation (Covary)?
To describe relationships among several variables, or see how several independent variables have an effect on a dependent variable. (The technique?)
What is Multivariate?
What two ways can you verify coding after the data are in a computer?
What is possible code cleaning & contingency cleaning?
What does statistical significance mean?
What is the likelihood that a finding or statistical relationship in a sample's results is due to random factors rather than to the existence of an actual relationship in the entire population?
What are three common types of graphic representations?
What is Histogram, bar chart and pie chart?
What is the opposite of Covariation?
What is (a) Standard Deviation (b) Statistical Independence (c) Statistical Relationship (d) Linear Relationship?
This error occurs when we say that a relationship does not exist, when in fact it does.
What is Type Error 2?
Coding can be a simple ________ task when you have recorded the data as numbers on ____-_________ recording sheets, but it is very difficult if you want to code answers to ____-_____ survey questions into numbers in a process similar to latent content analysis.
What is clerical, well-organized, & open-ended?
What is a linear relationship?
What is an association between two variables that is positive or negative across the levels of variables; when plotted in a scattergram, the pattern of the association forms a straight line, without a curve?
This measure describes the point where half of the cases are above it and half below it
What is Median?
In a Scattergram graph, _______ is the amount of spread in the points on the graph
What is Precision?
This will build on probability theory to test hypotheses formally, permit inferences from a sample to a population, and test whether descriptive results are likely to be due to random factors or to real relationships.
What is Inferential Statistics?
________ is extremely important when coding data?
What is accuracy?
What are data records?
What is the units or reports in computer-based data that contain information on the variables for a case?
We can use the mean with only what two types of data?
What is Interval or Ratio level data?
In which pattern does a control variable come before the independent variable in the initial bivariate relationship?
What is (a) Explanation pattern (b) Specification pattern (c) Replication pattern (d) Interpretation pattern?
Examples are 0.5, .01, .001
What are levels of statistical significance?
A document that describes the procedure for coding variables and their location in a format that computers can use.
What is codebook?
What is a histogram?
What is a graphic display of univariate frequencies or percentages, usually with vertical lines indicating the amount or proportion?
When measuring variation, this allows you to compare two or more distributions or groups
What is Z-score?
What are the two ways to introduce control variables?
What is Trivariate percentaged tables and multiple regression analysis?