Cite the Evidence

The school library is sparkling clean after the custodian comes every Tuesday. 

The custodian cleans the library 

The library is cleaned on Tuesday

The library is sparkly clean after the custodian comes 


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. What can Sally infer?

That her mother isn't home. 


What is a prediction?

A guess. No supporting evidence needed. 


Fill in the blank...

When we have ideas about what we read, we must cite _____ textual evidence to support our ideas.

A. Imaginary 

B. made up

C. Explicit 

C. Explicit


During December the temperatures reach below zero on some days. On other days, the temperature gets as high as 50 degrees. 

A. Its Winter

B. The low in December can be below zero and the high can be 50 degrees

B. The low in December can be below zero and the high can be 50 degrees


The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. From this I can infer that the new girl is probably_____.

Shy, nervous, anxious, afraid, quiet mannered 


What is an inference? 

A conclusion or assumption based on what we know and what we observe in the text. 


True or false?

When we cite textual evidence, it can be in our own words and not from the text. 



True or False?

When we analyze a text, it doesn't have to be exact  information from the text. It can be something we assume. 



"Don't forget your towel!" Mom shouted as she applied sunblock on the baby. Sam threw the folding chairs in the back of the minivan and shouted, "Okay Mom!" He then ran up and grabbed his towel. Where are Sam and his mom going?

The beach, the pool, swimming, waterpark 


A close study of something, like a text, to understand its parts

Explicitly analyze 


The summer sun is blazing in mid August. Our air conditioner went out and our house is getting hot fast! I read the temperature on our thermostat and it read 88 degrees!

It is mid August. Their air conditioner went out. They have a thermostat. Their house is hot. Their house is 88 degrees inside. 


Sarah had never seen so many fish before. She looked around and could see hundreds of fish all around her, yet she is still completely dry. Where do you think she is?

The aquarium 


What does it mean to "cite textual evidence?"

Provide exact quote from the text. 


Passage: The only bright spot in Jens day was drama club scheduled after school. After the final bell rang for the school day she headed to the auditorium. However, once she arrived no one was there.


Cite the textual evidence_______________

Drama club was cancelled. 

"Once she arrived no one was there." 


Name at least 2 key words/phrases that would used when making an explicit analysis. 


The author states

The text says 


Fill in the blank.

Making inferences helps you to ______ ideas about the situations in the text even though the author does not directly state them. 

A. Understand

B. Confuse 

C. Guess 

A. Understand 


What does it mean to analyze a text explicitly? 

To read and identify/list the details in a text. 

Example: characters, plot, setting, what is happening in the text 


Passage: Today was a terrible day. I received an email this morning to see my boss in his office when I arrived at work. Next thing I know, I am leaving work for the last time. 

Make an inference_________________

Cite the textual support____________

Inference: He quit, he got fired

Textual evidence: "See my boss in his office." "I am leaving work for the last time."