Reading Standards
Guess that Grade!
Cafe Connection
Name that stategy.
Curriculum Connection
Emergent or Early?
Look Fors.
Name that heading.
Comprehension using the Standards. Name that response.
Begin to monitor reading by using one to one matching of voice to print, notice when language or meaning does not fit.
What is kindergarten
Chunk letters and sounds together.Try
What is Accuracy
Students will be expected to understand basic concepts of print including directionality, word, space, letter and sound.
What is emergent. See page 62.
Flexible reading groups:Analysis of reading records informs the grouping of students according to common instructional needs.(ie: comprehension, word-solving and fluency)Grouping should not rely on levels of text complexity.
What is guided reading.
Reading the lines.
What is a literal response.
Use simple text features(eg:headings, table of contents, illustrations, capitions, labels) to predict content and help locate information: may require prompting.
What is Grade 2
Check for understanding. Try the Cafe sight for great videos.
What is Comprehension.
begin to match one to one spoken to printed word.
What is emergent.See page 66
Together the teacher and students read a common text which is large enough for all students to see clearly.
What is shared reading.
Reading beyond the lines.
What is Personal/Critical/Evaluative Response.
read familiar texts fluently with expression, attending to punctuation;may hesitate with unfamiliar words.
What is Grade 1
I can read accurately with expression and I understand what I read.
What is fluency.
Students will be expected to use a variety of strategies to create meaning. -identify the main idea, predict the content using text information along with personal knowlege and experience, make inferences by drawing on their own experiences and clues in the text, identify character traits from contextual clues, make connections between text.
What is Early.Page 78
The teacher reads aloud daily from texts that are chosen to support specific instructional purposes.
What is read aloud.
Reading "between the lines".
What is Inferential/Interpretive response.
Use ideas in text and prior knowledge/experiences to make obvious predictions about what will happen next.
What is Grade 1
I know, find, and use interesting words.
What is Expand Vocabulary.
Begin to recognize some high frequency sight words.
What is Emergent.Page 66
Mentor texts are texts which can be revisited numerous times in the read aloud and shared contexts to illustrate text structure and writers craft.In our library you can find baskets of mentor texts for each grade level.
What is Read Aloud.
Make simple inferences about a character (his or her actions or feelings)and story events, providing some general supporting details.
What is Inferential/Interpretive Response.
read a variety of high frequency words, most with automaticity.
What is grade 2
Flip the sound.
What is Accuracy.
begin to use knowledge of sound-symbol relationship as one reading cue.(eg:initial and final consonants)
What is emergent.Page 66
The teacher ensures students have dedicated time every day to enjoy individual reading of a variety of texts. Partner reading is an alternate format for individual practice. The Daily five has helped us make sure that this is happening : )
What is Independent Reading.
express preferences for, and simple opinions about, texts, authors, and illustrators;provide some general examples to support statements, often related to overall topic.
What is Personal/Critical/Evaluative Response.