When the body stands erect facing the observer, eyes are gazed forward, upper extremities are at the side with palms facing forward and feet are flat on the ground.
Anatomical Position
Includes the Thoracic and abdominopelvic Cavity.
Ventral Body Cavity
Being close to the midline of the body.
The middle most section of the Abdominal region is.
The Umbilical Region
Contains the left ovary and fallopian tube
Left Lower Quadrant
This divides the body into anterior and posterior parts.
What is the Coronal Plane?
Contains the heart and lungs
Thoracic Cavity
When something is towards the surface of the body.
The regions that hold parts of the large and small intestine.
The right and left Iliac Regions
Contains the appendix
Right lower quadrant.
This divides the body into superior and inferior parts.
What is Transverse Plane?
The central compartment of the thoracic Cavity
When describing the back of the body.
Name abdominal regions 0-8
1- Right Hypochondriac Region
2- Epigastric Region
3- Left Hypochondriac Region
4- Left Lumbar Region
5- Left Iliac Region
6- Hypogastric Region
7- Right Iliac Region
8- Right Lumbar Region
Contains the liver
Right upper quadrant
This divides the body into right and left halves.
What is Sagittal Plane?
Contains the stomach,liver,spleen,intestines bladder and reproductive organs.
Abdominopelvic cavity.
When something is away from the surface of the body.
Where is the Hypogastric Region Located?
Below the stomach.
Contains the left kidney
Left upper quadrant.
Divides the body into EQUAL Right and left halves.
What is Midsagittal Plane?
Contains the spinal Cord
Vertebral Cavity
Term that explains the location of an upper portion of the body or towards the head.
What is the name of the left and right epigastric regions?
Right and left Hypochondriac Regions
Name Quadrants A-D.
A- Right Upper Quadrant
B- Left Upper quadrant
C- Right Lower quadrant
D- Left lower quadrant.