Upper chambers of the heart
Resting Heart Rate
60-100 beats per minute
Thin-walled branching vessels that carry oxygen-depleted blood from the capillaries to the heart.
The study of the nervous system
Another name for a nerve cell
It governs all involuntary body functions.
Autonomic Nervous System
Breaks down food into simpler chemical compounds that can be easily absorbed by cells or eliminated from the body as waste.
Digestive System
Eliminates solid, liquid & gaseous waste products from the body.
Excretory System
Intake of oxygen to be absorbed into the blood
A group composed of specialized ductless glands that regulate and control the growth, health and reproductive.
Endocrine System
The heart's membrane
Characteristic of Blood
Salty & Sticky
Small vessels that take nutrients and oxygen from the arteries to the cells and take waste products from the cells to the veins.
Components of a nerve cell
Nucleus, Cytoplasm & Cell Membrane
Threadlike fibers extending from the cell
Carry messages from the brain to the muscles
Efferent Nerves
This is the organ that begins digestion.
Releases water, carbon dioxide and other waste.
The skin
System that maintains the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Respiratory System
Chemical substances that are released directly into the bloodstream.
Lower chambers of the heart
Fluid part of blood
The process of blood traveling from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart
Systemic Circulation
Composed of the brain and spinal cord, this controls all voluntary and involuntary body action
Central Nervous System
These terminals may connect the neuron to muscles, organs, or other nerve cells.
Chief Sensory Nerve of the face
Trifacial Nerve
This is excreted by the salivary glands to break down food.
Secretes bile, converts and neutralizes ammonia.
Elimination of oxygen's toxic by product.
What plays a key role in the proper regulation of the Endocrine System?
Begins the process of coagulation or clotting
Protect the body by fighting bacteria and other foreign substances
Branching vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
Opposing functions that help keep the body balanced
Carry messages to the brain and spinal cord.
Afferent Nerves
Slows heart rate, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure
Parasympathic Nervous System
This organ stores the waste for eventual elimination.
Large Intestine
The 2 primary glands of the integumentary system. (technical name)
Sebaceous & Sudoriferious Glands
A conducting pathway through which air flows.
Allows a living organism to procreate.
Reproductive System
What attracts oxygen molecules through a process called oxygenation?
They carry oxygen and contain a protein called hemoglobin
The process where blood travels to the lungs, where it is oxygenated
Pulmonary Circulation
Accelerates the heart rate, constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure
Sympathetic Nervous System
The 3 parts of the Trifacial Nerve
Ophthalmic, Maxillary & Mandibular
Controls higher mental functions such as thought, emotion and memory
The passage way to the stomach and lungs.
Largest organ of the body
Spongy muscles composed of cells into which air enters when you inhale.
What hormone causes acne?
How much blood does the average adult have?
5-6 liters
All blood from the head, face and neck return to the heart through what branch? (need the whole names)
Internal & External Jugular Vein
Blood is supplied to the lower portion of the face, including mouth and nose.
External Maxillary Artery
Regulates motor function, muscle movement and balance.
Receive impulses from adjacent neurons
How many pairs of nerves originate in the brain
This organ begins the breakdown of nutrients.
Small Intestine
Canal-like structures that open onto the surface of the skin.
A muscular organ that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen.
The system that directly affects hair growth, skin conditions and energy levels.
Endocrine System
Acts as a barrier to infection from one part of the body part to another.
Lymph Nodes
Supplies blood to the back of the head, up to the crown.
Occipital Artery
What is the size & shape of the heart?
Cone Shape & the size of a Fist
Controls breathing and heart function
Medulla Oblongata
System that carries sensory information from the ears, eyes, nose and tongue
Peripheral Nervous System
The nerve that extends up the back of the scalp to the top of the head
Greater Occipital Nerve
Nutrients are absorbed by these finger-like projections of the intestine walls.
Receives urea from the liver to then excrete it from the body.
This contains the vocal cords.
Hyperpigmentation that can result from pregnancy or hormonal imbalances.
Chloasma or Melasma
What vessels are between the arteries and capillaries?
What vessels are between the capillaries and veins?
Artery located on either side of the neck
Common Carotid
Nerve that extends into the fingers of the hand.
Digital Nerve
Nerve that extends to the muscles behind and below the ear
Posterior Auricular Nerve
Nerve that extends to the skin of the upper eyelid, eyebrow, forehead and scalp.
Supraorbital Nerve
The twisting and turning motion of the esophagus.
This filters out waste products and water, allowing usable nutrients to be reabsorbed into the blood.
Mucus membrane in the nose that filters out dust and dirt.
What areas are affected by Chloasma?
Around the mouth, forehead and cheeks.