These are 3 of the 5 functions of the skeletal system
What are Protection, Support, Blood Cell Production, Mineral Storage, Movement
This muscle turns your head
What is the Sternocleidomastoid
This type of joint have no observable movement
What is a Fibrous Joint
These connect bone to bone
What are Ligaments
Another name for your shoulder blade
What is the Scapula
They carry blood away from the heart.
What are arteries?
These are the two bones of the forearm
What is radius and ulna
This muscle shrugs your shoulders
What is the Trapezius
These joints have slight movement to absorb shock
What is Cartilaginous Joints
These connect muscle to bone
What are tendons
Largest bone in the body
What is the Femur
Name of the upper heart chambers.
What are the atrium?
There are 12 vertebrae in this area of the vertebral column
What is Thoracic Spine
These muscles comprise your groin
What are the Adductors
Hinge Joints are these two joints in the body
What are elbows and knees
This type of muscle is most directly involved in bringing about a movement
What is a Prime mover or agonist
This bone makes up the helps shoulder joint, and is part of the appendicular skeleton
What is the Humerus
Prevents blood from going backwards.
What are the valves of the heart?
These are no bones but are also considered to be hard tissue in the body.
What are teeth?
This muscle plantar flexes the ankle joint
What is the Gastrocnemeus
A saddle joint is found here
This muscle type slows down or stops movements
What is an Antagonist
This bone is your knee cap
What is the Patella
This is where the blood receives oxygen.
What are the alveoli (capillaries in the lungs)?
There are this many vertebrae in your spine
What is 26
These are the muscles of the hamstring
What is Semiteninosous, Semimembranosus, Bicep Femoris
These are 3 types of synovial joints
What are hinge joints, ball & socket joints, ellipsoid joints, gliding joints, saddle joints, and pivot joints
These muscles assist directly in a movement
What is a Synergist
The bone is your lateral shin bone
What is the Fibula
When the ventricles relax
What is diastole (or diastolic)?