1. The fissure that separates the brain into a right and left cerebral hemisphere
2. The fissure that separates the cerebrum and cerebellum
1. Longitudinal fissure
2. Transverse fissure
Identify the hypothalamus and the thalamus
The seahorses head, around the eye and the nose
Membranes on "Mo"
1. separates 2 hemispheres
2. separates cerebrum and cerebellum
1. Falx cerebri
2. Tentorium cerebelli
Dorsal vs. Ventral nerve roots
Dorsal root ganglia
look on models
Identify the medullary cone, the filum terminal, and cauda equina
The four lobes of the brain
frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital
Identify the lateral, 3rd, and 4th ventricles and the cerebral aqueduct
on the models, lateral (2) on the sides, top of seahorse head under sombrero, tail of seahorse, and the spine of the seahorse (between 3rd and 4th)
The nerve on "Jim" model
What are the 3 branches
Trigeminal nerve
opthalmic, maxillary, madibular
Identify the cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral plexus
on the spinal cord model
Cervical and paravertebral ganglion
on the model
Shallow grooves on the brains external surface
Raised folds on the brains external surface
Sulcus (s.) / Sulci (pl.)
Gyrus (s.) / Gyri (pl.)
Identify features of the cerebellum
Folia (folds on the exterior) and Arbor vitae (white matter on the inside, "tree of life")
Dorsal, ventral, and lateral horns of gray matter
identify on model
Brachial plexus braches
proximal to distal-> rami, trunks, divisions, and cords
posterior, medial, and lateral cords
The deep groove between the frontal and parietal lobes
The deep groove above the temporal lobe
Central Sulcus
Lateral Sulcus
The part of the brain that penetrates through the foramen magnum on the occipital bone (the last part of the brain before the spinal cord begins)
Medulla oblongata
piece of gray matter that connects the right and left gray matter in the spinal cord
tiny canal in the middle on the connecting gray matter
gray commissure
central canal
Where are the intercostal nerves
on the model
"the belly of the seahorse"
"the seahorses' sombrero"
Corpus callosum
Pink stuff on ventricle model (produces some CSF)
Choroid plexus
Groove in the back on the spinal cord
Division in the front of the spinal cord
Posterior median sulcus
Anterior median fissure
Where is the sciatic nerve?