What nerves are responsible for the General and Special sensation of the tongue?
General sensation (Hot/cold)- Lingual N
Special Sensation (Taste)- Chorda tympani N
Lisa have a cavity in her molar tooth, what nerves are responsible for the pain that is felt from Lisa cavity?
Anterior, middle and posterior Aveolar Nerves
What nerve travels with the C1 nerve?
Hypoglossal N
What connects the left and right hemispheres?
Corpus callosum
Name the other vessels that passes through the Foramen Ovale?
O-otic ganglion
V- V3
A-Accessory Menging Artery
L- Lesser petrosal
E- Emissary Vein
What are the MAST and MATT muscles?
MAST: Masseter, pterygoid (lateral and medial), temporalis.
MATT: Mylohoid, Anterior digastric, Tensor tympani and Tensor veli palantini
Denny had a surgery done in his parotid gland, after his procedure he complaint of not being able make facial expressions. What cranial nerve was affected?
Facial Nerve
Nerves that surround the Cavernous sinus?
Nerves that contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibres out of the CNS?
Name the parasympathetic ganglia and the nerves it travels with?
Bonus: What are the target organs of each?
Ciliary- V1-----Ciliary muscle
Optic-V3------Parotid gland
Submandibular-V3---- submandibular and sublingual gland
Pterygopalatine-V2----Palate, pharynx, Nose, lacrimal gland
What nerves innervate the outer, middle and inner Ear?
Outer: Great auricular N
Middle: Glossopharyngeal N
Inner: Vestibulocochlear
Patient with ear infections usually have problems with their taste. Why?
Because the chorda tympani passes through that inner ear. (Tympanic membrane)
What connects the third ventricle to the fourth?
cerebral aqueduct
Where the Dura Sac End?
Where are the preganglionic neuron located in the spinal cord?
Bonus: Where specifically for the head?
Lateral horn of the spinal cord segments T1-L2
For the head between T1 and T2
Name the individual foramens where each of the cranial nerves passes?
CNI(Olfactory N)- Cribriform plate
CNII(Optic N)- Optic canal
CNIII(Occulomotor N)- Superior orbital fissure
CNIV(Trochlear N)- Superior orbital
CNV(Trigeminal N)- Superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale
CNVI(Abducens N)-Superior orbital fissure
CNVII(Facial N)- Internal Acoustic Meatus
CNVIII(Vestibulocochlear N)-Internal Acoustic Meatus
CNIX(Glossopharyngeal N)- Jugular foramen
CNX(Vagus N)- Jugular foramen
CNXI(Spinal Accessory N)- Jugular foramen
CNXII(Hypoglossal N)- Hypoglossal canal
What reflex is responsible for the constriction of both of my pupils in my eyes?
Consensual reflex
which reflection consist of the transverse and superior petrosal sinus?
tendenorium cerebelli
Injury to the superior orbital fissure, will cause damage to what nerves?
V1 of the trigeminal nerve, Trochlear N, Abducens N, Oculomotor N
Through what structure do the the preganglionic axons need to get to the sympathetic chain ganglion?
white rami communicants
What are the arteries involved in the circle of willis?
Anterior Communicating A, Posterior Communicating A, Internal Carotid A, Posterior Cerebral A, Anterior cerebral A.
The vagus innervates all the muscles in the pharynx except for one muscle, the stylopharyngeus. what nerve innervates that muscle?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Explain how an infection on your face can spread to your brain.
Infection on the danger area of the face, bacteria from the infection could spread from the angular vein which connects to the facial vein, then the pterygoid plexus via the emissary veins and into the inferior ophthalmic vein which drains into the cavernous sinuses. From the cavernous sinuses, the infected blood could drain in to other sinuses draining brain, thus infecting the brain.
In an alternative way infected blood from the facial vein could also drain into the inferior ophthalmic vein. The inferior ophthalmic vein ........ pterygoid plexus of veins........emissary veins .......cavernous sinus....... superior petrosal sinus........ transverse sinus .......sigmoid sinus joins the inferior petrosal sinus and drains into the internal jugular vein. In this way the infection could spread to other parts of the body.
What nerve innervates the palatoglossus?
what muscle of the eye is affected when the eye is down and out?
Bonus: What nerve innervate the bladder and where can it be found?
Superior Obliques
bonus: Pelvic splanchnic N and it can be found between S2 to S4