Skeletal System
Muscular System

The number of bones that make up the adult skeletal system.

What is 206


A band of tough fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones.

What is a tendon.


Musculoskeletal or  neurophysiological problems of the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand are  assisted by using four main nerve tensioning (stretches) of the brachial plexus. 

In Yoga this is known as...

What is Yoga Mudras.


These are the four main Bandhas which are important to Pranayama.

What are: 

1. Mula Bandha

2. Uddiyana Bandha and 

3. Jalandhara Bandha

4. Maha Bandha


These are the 3 body planes.

What are:

1. Sagital Plane

2. Frontal Plane

3. Transverse Plane


The longest bone in an adult human.

What is the femur.


These are the 3 types of muscular tissue.

What are the skeletal, smooth and cardiac tissue.


To be performed if suffering from high/low blood pressure.


1. Shoulder (ST) depression & Protraction

2. Shoulder (GH) abduction & External Rotation &
    Slight Extension

3. Elbow Extension & Pronation & Wrist Extension

What is Bukka Puritat Mudra.


Name the Bandha.

The neck and throat are contracted, the back of the neck lengthened and the chin is lowered toward the chest. If performed incorrectly one feels pressure on the heart, eyes, ears and brain and even cause headaches.

What is Jalandhara Bandha.


These are the 3 types of joint movements.

What are:

1. Flexion

2. Extension

3. Hyperextension


This is the number of bones and joints in the ankle.

What is 26 bones and 32 joints.


The following is NOT a function of muscle?

A. Stabilize Joints

B. Generate Heat

C. Filtering Waste

D. Maintain Posture

E. Produce Movement

What is C. Filtering Waste


To be performed if suffering from asthma & breathing issues.


1. Shoulder (ST) depression & Protraction

2. Shoulder (GH) abduction & External Rotation &
    Slight Extension

3. Elbow Extension & Supination & Wrist Extension

What is Kloman Mudra.


Name the Bandha.

This Bandha is used to continue the upward flow of energy (Kundalini) through the Sushumna Nadi. After exhaling completely and holding the breath out, the abdomen is drawn in and up. Tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves the function of the organs of digestion and elimination. 

What is Uddiyana Bandha.


These are the 2 side movements of the body.

What are:

1. Abduction

2. Adduction


This is the function of the skeletal system.

A: support the body
B: give the body shape
C: work with muscles to move the body
D: all of the above

What is:

D: all of the above


The below muscle(s) is voluntarily controlled?

A. Cardiac

B. Smooth

C. Skeletal

What is skeletal.

*Cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary muscles.


To be performed if suffering from indigestion, constipation, neck & shoulder issues.


1. Shoulder (ST) depression & Retraction

2. Shoulder (GH) abduction & Internal Rotation &
    Slight Flexion

3. Elbow extension & Pronation

4. Wrist Flexion & Ulnar Deviation

What is Atanu Puritat Mudra.


Name the Bandha.

The root lock or co-activation of muscle. Its location is at the base of the spine (perineum). This Banda is used to lock the energy, to keep it from going downward. It seals the foundation so that the energy can rise upward. Especially good for the organs of reproduction.

What is Mula Bandha.


These are the 2 major rotations of the wrists.

What are:

1. Supination

2. Pronation

*Medial Rotation (in/internal)

*Lateral Rotation (out/external)


This works with the bones of your skeleton to make your body move?

A: blood
B: muscles
C: tissues
D: organs

What is:

B: muscles


The following is not a primary functional characteristic of muscle tissue?

A. Elasticity (ability to recoil to resting length)

B. Excitability (ability to receive and respond to stimuli)

C. Extensibility (ability to be stretched)

D. Contractility (ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated)

E. All of the above are functions of muscle tissue

What is:

 E. All of the above are functions of muscle tissue.


To be performed if suffering from heart issues.


1. Shoulder (ST) depression & Protraction

2. Shoulder (GH) abduction & External Rotation &
    Slight Extension

3. Elbow Flexion & Pronation & Wrist Extension

What is Buddhizuddi Mudra.


Name the Bandha.

The great lock - all three locks are activated at the same time.

What is Maha Bandha.


These are the 2 major ankle movements.

What are:

1. Planter Flexion

2. Dorsi Flexion

*Inversion - ankle toward midline (i.e. lotus)

*Eversion - ankle outward (i.e. not supposed to do!)